Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#42095 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

Loop Error with Multisite

Reported by: sma27's profile sma27 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.8.2
Component: General Keywords: reporter-feedback close
Focuses: Cc:


This write up (see link below) outlines the exact issue I encountered. Basically any bad URL which should result in a 404 error instead causes a 500 error. I discovered this issue using the web master tools in Google as missing images were resulting in an Internal Server Error instead of a 404 error.

The fix was a simple edit to the .htaccess file (refer to the blog post below).

Change History (6)

#1 @sma27
7 years ago

P.S. I am using PHP 7.1 and Apache 2.4.

#2 @jeremyfelt
7 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Hi @sma27, thanks for opening a ticket. Can you provide more details on the configuration of your WordPress install?

From the writeup, it sounds like a URL such as is expected, but the URLs are being generated without the /en/.

Is this a subdirectory configuration and is /en/ another site on the network or is WordPress being loaded from the /en/ subdirectory? If you don't mind, it'd be helpful to see your related multisite constants in wp-config.php and to know whether any related plugins are activated that might be affecting rewrites in some way.

#3 @sma27
7 years ago

Here is a production example:

If I grab the url for the picture it is:

Any modification to that URL other than the file name would result in the 500 error. However, I've applied the fix outlined in the blog post I included so it will display a 404 now.

So these would result in a 500 error:

Does that make sense? Changing any of the paths to be wrong would result in a 500 error. However if I modified the image name like:

It would report a 404 still as long as the path portion was correct.


#4 @sma27
7 years ago

The comment at the bottom of the post mentions the following:

Amazing, thank you very much Robert for this post – it helps me alot!
I have searched for the answer more than 5 hours all over the internet and tried almost everything, and only your decision worked – like charm. 🙂
By the way, I get this error on my multisite platform only when enabled https (ssl certificate). Without ssl, even with using “?” symbol I didn’t have problems.


We do have ssl enabled.

#5 @hellofromTonya
4 years ago

  • Keywords close added

Hello @sma27,

Double checking with you that this issue was fixed as noted:

I have searched for the answer more than 5 hours all over the internet and tried almost everything, and only your decision worked – like charm.

Is this correct? Does the problem persist for you today?

I'm marking this ticket as a close candidate, but will review when/if feedback is provided.

#6 @hellofromTonya
4 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

I'm closing this ticket. However, if the problem persists, please reopen and provide more information to help us further investigate.

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