Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#42851 new defect (bug)

Problem with video height since 4.9

Reported by: vhcrossmedia's profile vhcrossmedia Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.9.1
Component: Media Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


I have a video on a page and after updating to WP 4.9.1 the following element gets a height of 0px:
<div style="width: 822px; height: 0px;" class="wp-video" data-aspectratio="0">

The result is that the video area shows just the controls and nothing more (see attached screenshot on the left) .

I can fix this with workarounds via CSS like styling mejs-container and mejs-mediaelement (see attached screenshot on the rigth) but that's a hassle for the responsive versions.

Anyone elese facing these problems?

(P.S.: I'm not an expert AND a German, so forgive me for dumb questions and bad writing …)

Attachments (1)

video.jpg (61.7 KB) - added by vhcrossmedia 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

7 years ago

#1 @programmin
7 years ago

There is a similar ticket on how Wordpress now removes the height= attribute from iframe tags in the textwidget, it causes the iframes to have no height= in the final html and it is too short. Could that be what you're seeing?

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