Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#42973 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

REST endpoint points to root installation always

Reported by: dingo_d's profile dingo_d Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.9.1
Component: REST API Keywords:
Focuses: rest-api Cc:


There is a ticket on github which shows that if a WordPress is installed in a subfolder, the rest route registered in a plugin won't work properly. I tested it on my own test server.

I have a root installation and a test installation in a test subfolder. I installed the theme sniffer on the test installation, and when I try to run it (I've rewritten it so that it uses REST instead of admin-ajax.php), and the route it tries to fetch is https://mydomain/wp-json/theme-sniffer/v1/sniff-run, when the correct route should be https://mydomain/test/wp-json/theme-sniffer/v1/sniff-run

The routes are added in the plugin like this

add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'theme_sniffer_endpoint_init' );
 * Register endpoints function
 * @since 0.1.0
function theme_sniffer_endpoint_init() {
        register_rest_route( 'theme-sniffer/v1', '/sniff-run', array(
                'methods'  => 'POST',
                'callback' => 'theme_sniffer_run_sniffer',
        ) );
        register_rest_route( 'theme-sniffer/v1', '/individual-sniff', array(
                'methods'  => 'POST',
                'callback' => 'theme_sniffer_individual_sniff',
        ) );

I haven't dug deeper but is this normal behavior?

Change History (3)

#1 @dingo_bastard
7 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

Ok so this is not a bug. Theme sniffer had a wrong value hardcoded in the ajax call.

#2 @dd32
7 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted

#3 @dd32
6 years ago

  • Reporter changed from dingo_bastard to dingo_d
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