Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#43896 new defect (bug)

Several flex and grid CSS properties listed as Unknown property in Customizer

Reported by: davidjlaietta's profile davidjlaietta Owned by:
Milestone: Future Release Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.9
Component: Customize Keywords: has-patch needs-testing
Focuses: css Cc:


When I use the CSS editor in the Customizer it suggests element properties as I start typing them. One of the properties that it suggests is the justify-items property. When I save the settings in the Customizer I get a notice of "Unknown property 'justify-items'."

I've checked some of the other flexbox and grid properties, and there are several others that this is the case for, namely:

  • justify-items
  • grid-gap
  • grid-column-gap
  • grid-row-gap
  • place-self

The properties still work in supported browsers, they just display an error in the Customizer. Some valid values for properties that are recognized also give errors, such as the values of start and end for several grid properties.

Attachments (6)

Screenshot 2018-04-27 10.48.54.png (5.9 KB) - added by davidjlaietta 7 years ago.
screenshot of Customizer Edit CSS showing an unknown property
Screenshot 2018-04-27 10.49.10.png (7.1 KB) - added by davidjlaietta 7 years ago.
screenshot of Customizer Edit CSS showing the suggestion of an unknown property
43896.diff (563 bytes) - added by subrataemfluence 7 years ago.
Added property justify-items
editor-screenshot.png (4.3 KB) - added by subrataemfluence 7 years ago.
Warning disappeared
43896-1.diff (2.3 KB) - added by subrataemfluence 7 years ago.
43896-2.diff (2.3 KB) - added by subrataemfluence 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

7 years ago

screenshot of Customizer Edit CSS showing an unknown property

7 years ago

screenshot of Customizer Edit CSS showing the suggestion of an unknown property

7 years ago

Added property justify-items

#1 @subrataemfluence
7 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

7 years ago

Warning disappeared

#2 follow-up: @westonruter
7 years ago

@subrataemfluence Your patch doesn't indicate which file it is that is being patched.

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 @subrataemfluence
7 years ago

Oops! I am sorry for this. It's almost midnight here. Will fix the patch tomorrow morning.

Replying to westonruter:

@subrataemfluence Your patch doesn't indicate which file it is that is being patched.

#4 @subrataemfluence
7 years ago

@westonruter I modified initial patch and uploaded 43896-1.diff. In this patch I considered all properties @davidjlaietta mentioned.

However, this one has some unwanted white spaces and tabs characters, which I realized only after uploading. So, I removed them and uploaded a newer version 43896-2.diff. Hope this works!

#5 @pento
6 years ago

  • Version trunk deleted

#6 @celloexpressions
4 years ago

  • Focuses css added
  • Keywords needs-testing added
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Future Release
  • Version set to 4.9

This appears to be the same general issue as described in #43197. The fix here is likely a good approach for that ticket as well.

Can those actively working on the latest innovations in CSS please review 43896-2.diff and confirm any other properties that should be added to the core list?

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