Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#44283 new defect (bug)

Enclosure can't deal with CDN media files - WPCore redirects the URL

Reported by: researcher's profile researcher Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.9.6
Component: Feeds Keywords: needs-testing needs-patch has-screenshots 2nd-opinion
Focuses: Cc:


When using WP as audio collection, RSS2 is needed to get podcasts spread around f.i. to iTunes ect.

To validate the feed right from WP 4.9.6 at from source we recieve several errors where the most important one is the redirection of CDN URL's to WP URL

example: - the CDN.(= AWS3) location of the file

without the CDN. urlprefix there is no audio stream - all streams are at CDN.
adding the CDN. urlprefix enclosure by hand and then save the blogpost results is 2 enclosures - 1 with CDN. - 1 without
adding the enclosure but NOT save the blogpost shows the correct enclosure - but - the RSS output shows the URL without the CDN. urlprefix

have been looking into the /wp-includes/feed.php - but there is for me no place to find where this redirection takes place - an feed expert might be able to correct this problem - sorry that i can't - i'm no coder i make music.

Change History (2)

#1 @stevenkword
6 years ago

Hi @researcher,

Thank you for the report. Can you tell us more about what you are using as a CDN solution. Based off what I know at the time, I suspect the author of the CDN integration did not add in the appropriate filters for feeds.

#2 @researcher
6 years ago

hi Steven,

as CDN i use Amazon S3 - - bucket name

audio inserted into the blogpost: [audio m4a=""][/audio]

enclosure to the blogpost is slightly different:

RSS feeds of my subdomain are accepted by iTunes - url is

if you need more details - please let me know

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