Make WordPress Core

Opened 6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#45160 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Suggest updating Trac "Create New Ticket" instructions for reporting Gutenberg-related bugs in V5.0+ releases

Reported by: timhibberd's profile timhibberd Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.0
Component: Site Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


The current Trac "Create New Ticket" instructions state "Please create Gutenberg issues on the projects GitHub issue tracker".

Now that Gutenberg is in the core as of V5.0, there will be some confusion as to which system to use to raise Gutenberg-related issues...Trac or GitHub Issue Tracker.

I would suggest updating the Trac instructions to clarify this(e.g. "For Gutenberg installation, upgrade and core-related operational issues use Trac. For feature-related issues use GitHub Issue Tracker" ...just an idea!).

I will defer to the wisdom of someone on the Gutenberg / 5.0 team to decide the best course of action.

Change History (7)

#1 @SergeyBiryukov
6 years ago

  • Component changed from General to site

#2 @matveb
6 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 5.0.1

I think we should make it as easy as possible for people to report issues, so even with a message (which can be useful) people might not even know Gutenberg exists as a project because they are just interacting with the WordPress editor and core functionality. It will fall on us maintainers to funnel them to the relevant places at first, as we work through having better processes. We should also look at having some more components related to "blocks" so we could triage things better and cross-reference if needed. cc @swissspidy because I think you suggested a similar thing.

#3 @timhibberd
6 years ago

Thanks @SergeyBiryukov / @matveb for your assistance. Much appreciated.

I have a few questions that might help narrow down my general question w.r.t. bug tracking in the WP4.x/WP5.x/GBE/CE world (NOTE: CE = Classic Editor).

Question1: Based on my understanding Gutenberg plug-in is a superset of the WP5.x GB core editor and will be the vehicle used to deliver new GB features for soak and adoption before the new features are moved into the WP5.x GB core editor. Is that correct?

Question2: Is the WP5.x GB core editor a 100% cleanly extractable subset component of the GB plug-in that is simply disabled in the GB plug-in when the GB plug-in is installed and active on a WP5.x site?

Question3: If so, does that mean new GB feature related bugs are reported in GitHub and current GB bugs are reported via Trac?

Moving forward, there are six deployment options that will be operating & maintained in the field:

A) WP 4.x
B) WP 4.x + GBE plug-in
C) WP 5.x
D) WP 5.x + CE plug-in
E) WP 5.x + GBE plug-in
F) WP 5.x + GBE plug-in + CE plug-in

As an example, I will be operating my sites and client sites using option (B) until March 2019 then operating using option(D) and slowly migrating my clients to option (C) over time. After March 2019 all our new sites will be on option (C). Option (E) is a "wait-and-see" deployment option for our sites at this point mainly based on my confusion w.r.t. Question2 above. If GB Core is not a 100% cleanly extractable subset component of the GB plug-in then bug management on a WP5.x + GB plug-in deployment gets tricky due to an overlapping code-base.

Question4: What is the best way to report bugs into Trac and / or GitHub capturing which of these 6 deployment options is in play?

Tangent Question: Is there any reason GB plug-in is in Github and not GitLab? GitLab offers a full automated CI pipeline at no charge for open-source projects. I have used GitLab for my projects and client projects for years. Highly reliable and incredible feature set (not a plug...I am not an affiliate and don't do work for them).

Thanks for your assistance and all the great work you and the GB team have been doing. Much appreciated :-)

#4 @pento
6 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2

#5 @pento
6 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 5.0.2 to

#6 @timhibberd
6 years ago

Cheers @pento - that's an interesting label for a milestone :-)

Until the Developer guide is updated with issue reporting guidelines, is there any chance some interim guidelines on issue reporting can be put here in this issue for people like me who want to report issues but don't know where we should report them (GB/GitHub vs. Core/Trac)in this new multi-editor / multi-core support model (See A-F table in previous post above). Thanks in advance. Much appreciated :-)

#7 @timhibberd
5 years ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

There are Core-Gutenberg issues (WP 5.x) that may not manifest in Gb plug-in assisted WP4.x so there is a case to be made for issues to be raised in TRAC if no GB plugin is installed.

Having said that... I raised an issue that was core-Gutenberg related in core and Github a year ago and it just got addressed yesterday via Github. So I'm closing this issue...I doubt it will get resolved as a decision and / or documentation update given the huge backlog of more significant issues so we might as well close it.

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