#4539 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)
Abbreviated year followed by punctuation or markup doesn't texturize
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | Priority: | low | |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 2.5 |
Component: | Formatting | Keywords: | has-patch westi-likes wptexturize needs-unit-tests |
Focuses: | Cc: |
An abbreviated year followed by punctuation or markup doesn't texturize properly.
e.g. (Bruce Sterling, '97) is texturized as (Bruce Sterling, ‘97) when the apostrophe should be texturized as ’
e.g. <li>Casino Royale '06</li> is texturized as <li>Casino Royale, ‘06</li> when the apostrophe should be texturized as ’
Attachments (15)
Change History (91)
17 years ago
- Keywords has-patch added
- Owner changed from anonymous to jmstacey
- Status changed from new to assigned
- Version changed from 2.2.1 to 2.5
16 years ago
- Keywords needs-patch needs-testing added; has-patch removed
I tried applying this against trunk 10289 but it didn't seem to fix the issue for me.
16 years ago
- Keywords has-patch tested added; needs-patch needs-testing removed
my mistake, I was testing against the wrong site. D'oh.
The attached fixes the curly quotes and s and the issue above.
15 years ago
- Milestone changed from 2.9 to Future Release
Added Test cases for this to wordpress-tests.
Moving to Future Release until it has a working patch
↓ 10
15 years ago
- Cc jon@… added
- Keywords has-patch needs-testing added; needs-patch removed
Here's another go ready for testing. This patch was created against r14075.
15 years ago
I ran the unit tests against the patch (http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-tests/wp-testcase/test_includes_formatting.php) with the following results:
- TestWPTexturize::test_quotes_before_s - these tests now pass
- TestWPTexturize::test_quotes - still fail
- TestWPTexturize::test_quotes_before_numbers - simple case passes quoted case doesn't.
So we are heading in the right direction but still need some more work.
I'll commit the current patch but leave the ticket open for improvements.
15 years ago
- Keywords needs-patch added; has-patch needs-testing removed
- Milestone changed from 3.0 to 3.1
Going to punt this along for continued work.
14 years ago
I was able to make 2 of the failing test cases pass by reorganizing the order of patterns in r16195.
Needs another patch for test_quotes() with HTML tags and tag attributes in it.
14 years ago
Submitted a patch above with regexps rewritten from scratch that makes all existing test cases pass, enables disabled test cases to run, including skipped tests and I also added several new cases that all pass.
The only edge case it does not handle is when you want to combine units of degrees, specifically minutes and seconds with the same class of quotes, e.g. ' with ' and " with ". I don't think that can correctly be fixed.
The patch also adds support for quotes spanning multiple html tags and/or shortcodes.
It also fixes #15241.
14 years ago
I switched the escaped slashes back to using a double quoted string for the string with single quotes in in test_other_html
so as to follow the WP Coding Standards.
14 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
See my comment in #15241.
14 years ago
Added new snapshot.
Includes fix for #15444.
Follows WP coding standards.
Improved test coverage.
↓ 33
14 years ago
Updated patch and included further tests. Fixes #10606 as well.
Aiming to improve performance by getting rid of the two preg_replaces() within the while()s with no success so far (we need the count parameter that str_replace() does not have). Is this a performance sensitive function or cached?
in reply to:
↑ 32
14 years ago
Replying to norbertm:
Is this a performance sensitive function or cached?
The output of this isn't cached
↓ 35
14 years ago
Let me see if I can further optimize it.
Any other tickets/concerns related to this?
14 years ago
Thanks for collecting related tickets. Here is another patch.
- No change required for #4116. Added tests.
- Added tests for #6969 (incomplete).
- Fixes HTML comments (#8912, #10033). Tests included.
- #15241, #15444 already covered.
Waiting for feedback on #14491.
Optimized code for performance by replacing two preg_replace()s to str_replace()s (and while()s to if()s).
WPTexturize test results: OK (21 tests, 130 assertions)
I think it's getting mature. Will post a followup once I'm done.
Any other thoughts?
14 years ago
Next dev snapshot. Adds test cases and fix for #14491.
There is one issue left. How do you convert
'Class of '99'
&8216;Class of &8217;99&8217;
and not
&8216;Class of &8216;99&8217;
if you still want to convert '99'
into &8216;99&8217;
Obviously it depends on the starting quote but that's a leftover quote to be evaluated later to allow quote state to persist across tags and shortcodes. Still thinking about this.
14 years ago
Completed the review. I think it can't become much better than this. It's pretty well covered with tests too. If you have suggestions please post it, otherwise I think the patch could be applied and the fully covered tickets mentioned in the second post above can be closed together with this.
14 years ago
Then I'll paste my test-post from #10606, simply to present that some mundane punctuation uses still just don't work (only for closing quotes):
- text "[link]".
- text "[link]", text.
- text "[link]"; text.
- text "[link]"- text.
- text "text [link]".
- text "text [link]"...
- text "text [link]"text.
All these have the opening quote applied instead of the closing quote (and then the locale is applied, the closing quote in fr-FR being "« ").
- text "text number".
- text "text number" text.
These last two have the correct closing quote applied, but the locale is not taken into account.
I did provide test cases for all of these, a year ago now. If they're wrong, let me know about it, I'll update them.
Test blog is running WordPress 3.1-beta1-16732.
14 years ago
@xibe - It hasn't been committed to SVN yet. The patch is available above. It makes your test cases submitted in #10606 pass. To make sure I've included new tests for the simplified strings that you just submitted. All pass now.
14 years ago
@nacin - As for performance, it's hard to tell because it highly depends on the strings that are passed to it. The original test suite did not pass and many tests were skipped so there's nothing to compare against. What would you suggest for benchmarking this? Please keep in mind that the original function returns incorrect results so we may be comparing code that generates incorrect vs correct output.
As for optimization, I was able to replace a preg_replace() to an str_replace() and a while() loop to a single if() by realizing the same could be accomplished with these better performing functions/constructs.
14 years ago
- Keywords 3.2-early added
- Milestone changed from 3.1 to Future Release
@norbertm: Thanks for all your hard work on this.
I think it is best left for implementation in 3.2 so we get a good deal of time for the changes to soak in trunk.
13 years ago
May I ask for renewed interest in this ticket? Is that patch from norbertm 1 year ago still applicable (somehow I doubt it)? May I help in any way (not much of a coder, but I can add more tests to my batch from #11099)?
Thanks all!
12 years ago
- Cc bjo added
I still have the issue in 3.4.2 with the wrong quotes in the case
text "[link]", text.
11 years ago
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from reopened to closed
Summary and closure:
(Bruce Sterling, '97)
Could not reproduce this bug in 3.9 or trunk testing.
<li>Casino Royale '06</li>
Could not reproduce this bug in 3.9 or trunk testing.
'Class of '99'
This test case is syntactically ambiguous. Workaround: Don't type the same character three times in one sentence and expect it to mean three different things!
text "[link]", text.
In this case, [link] is parsed as a shortcode. Same problem as in #18549.
Any other bugs, please make a new ticket and let this one rest.
11 years ago
- Milestone changed from Future Release to 4.0
- Resolution worksforme deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
'Class of '99'
might be ambiguous, but "Class of 99"
is not, and it currently fails.
4539.diff is an attempt to fix that, based on xibe's formatting-01.patch.
This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by SergeyBiryukov. View the logs.
11 years ago
11 years ago
- Keywords needs-unit-tests added; 3.4-early removed
I can understand the desire to brainstorm more of the edge cases but I'm not sure how much success we will have. For the suggested patch, we would need many more unit tests. For example:
array( "George's porch is 99' long.", "George’s porch is 99′ long.", ),
11 years ago
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from reopened to closed
Recent comments have gone off topic and do not match the ticket description.
This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by doc-bot. View the logs.
11 years ago
9 years ago
- Resolution worksforme deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
For me the first seven testcases from https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4539#comment:44 are not working. The last two are still okay:
This is my result:
text „[link]„.
text „[link]„, text.
text „[link]„; text.
text „[link]„- text.
text „text [link]„.
text „text [link]„…
text „text [link]„text.
text „text 1234“.
text „text 1234“ text.
See: http://testserver.torstenlandsiedel.de/2016/01/testcase-typography/
↓ 67
9 years ago
@zodiac1978 Let's improve this, shall we? :) I'm glad I got feedback from my tests, 6 years after they were merged:)
The results on my test post have not changed much since the 4.3 improvement. I'd be more the willing to rework the tests I provided if I could get feedback on what I did wrong.
in reply to:
↑ 66
9 years ago
Replying to xibe:
@zodiac1978 Let's improve this, shall we? :) I'm glad I got feedback from my tests, 6 years after they were merged:)
I'm happy to help if I can!
The results on my test post have not changed much since the 4.3 improvement. I'd be more the willing to rework the tests I provided if I could get feedback on what I did wrong.
I am wondering why these tests don't fail. In my and your test post we can see it doesn't work, so they should produce a failing test. I don't have a clue, why this doesn't happen. Maybe someone with more knowledge of unit tests can help here. @ocean90 perhaps?
9 years ago
The BuddyPress ticket reverts back to WordPress, so we're left to fix this still.
And once again, I've seen the texturize() issue with quotations in the wild, in a French post:
J’avais découvert Mike Monteiro via sa conférence « Fuck you, pay me« , puis via ses podcasts sur Mule Radio Syndicate, ou encore son travail via sa société Mule Design Studio sur AllThingsD ou Evening Edition, et en avril dernier son livre « Design Is a Job » (horriblement traduit en français en « Métier web designer« ).
You can clearly see three instances of quoted links, two of which fail to display the proper ending-quotation because that final quote is either followed by a comma or a parenthesis.
This has been plaguing French sites since at least 2009. Can anything be done for 4.6? How can I help?
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-editor by joen. View the logs.
7 years ago
23 months ago
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from reopened to closed
Tested right now and the problem is fixed with latest 6.2.
I get Bruce Sterling, ’97
23 months ago
- Resolution worksforme deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Still broken on WordPress 6.2-RC3
23 months ago
I don't see in the page the same text of the ticket Bruce Sterling, '97
I saw now your comment #64 https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4539#comment:64, but it is a complete different text.
Tried that in a new post, those symbols aren't replaced.
Maybe it's the case to open a new ticket about that text as this one can be easy to misunderstood as the title refer to something in the year and not about other symbols.
23 months ago
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from reopened to closed
There are more issues mentioned in the comments than just what is in the original decsription, but I just saw the note from @gitlost
Note that the quotations around links issue got moved to #18549.
And all those broken variants are about quotations after links ...
Note that the patch I attached also includes the patch I created for Ticket #1258.