Make WordPress Core

Opened 6 years ago

Closed 10 months ago

#45922 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Twenty Nineteen: Reduce excess space at the bottom of the page

Reported by: kjellr's profile kjellr Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: low
Severity: normal Version: 5.0.2
Component: Bundled Theme Keywords: needs-patch 2nd-opinion close
Focuses: css Cc:


As noted by @dartiss on the Twenty Nineteen GitHub repository, there's a bit of extra space on the bottom of the page under the following circumstances:

  1. You're logged in and can see the "Edit" link
  2. You're viewing a single page (not a post)
  3. You do not have any widgets in the widget area

That extra spacing doesn't show up for logged-out visitors. This should be cleaned up, but since it happens under such specific criteria, the difficult part of a fix is just ensuring that a fix doesn't remove space in other viewing circumstances.

More background here:


Change History (2)

#1 @sabernhardt
19 months ago

  • Focuses css added
  • Keywords needs-patch 2nd-opinion close added

As part of the proposal to retire default themes, Twenty Nineteen might not have any more enhancements soon.

On screens larger than 768 pixels wide, the 3rem bottom margin from .entry-footer plus 3rem top margin from .site-info totals 132 pixels at the standard font size.

@xkon suggested on the original issue that the .entry-footer bottom margin could be reduced to 1rem for logged-in users.

More than four years after the ticket was opened, I suggest leaving the margins unchanged.

#2 @karmatosed
10 months ago

  • Milestone Future Release deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

I tend to agree with you @sabernhardt on not changing the margins after this theme has been released and the ticket opened so long ago. I am going to close this, but tickets can always be reopened if people do want that. Thank you everyone for collaborating on this.

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