Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #47316, comment 3

05/18/2019 04:12:01 PM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #47316, comment 3

    initial v1  
    33The admin edit user profile page gets heavily modified by many plugins, namely WooCommerce.
    5 This page mostly consists of form fields, and input fields that stretch the entire width of the page.
     5This page mostly consists of form fields, and input fields that stretch the entire width of the page (with blank space to the right side).
    77Plugins that incude custom user fields, modifiy this page by adding a ton more fields (i.e. billing address, shipping address, company details, etc). So it makes the page very long in height.
    99The padding between the fields is extremely erroneous too.
    11 A solution would be to split the full-width input fields, into columns too organise form groups better. We need to visually segment these input fields better as many users including staff are reluctant to use WordPress's admin back to make any edits.
     11**A solution would be to split the input fields into columns too organise form groups better. We need to visually segment these fields better** as many users including staff are reluctant to use WordPress's admin back to make any edits.
    13 I've had to create a completely separate backend admin panel, which is doing alot of repeating stuff from wp-admin. So to make it simpler to use.
     13I've had to create a completely separate back-end admin panel, which is doing alot of repeating stuff from wp-admin. So to make it simpler to use.
    1515The current state of the admin user edit profile page is almost like a CRUD page. It's just not good enough from a user interface perspective, and is being ignored by many users, including staff at numerous companies I've implemented custom WordPress solutions.