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Opened 5 years ago

#47446 assigned enhancement

Tools > Export does not include term meta data for a custom post type

Reported by: mclaurent's profile mclaurent Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.2.1
Component: Export Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


# Register a public custom post type
# Register a custom taxonomy with a custom term_meta
# populate with dummy posts, terms and term meta values
# go to tools > export and select your custom post type
# The resulting XML is perfectly valid and includes all posts along with the terms of the taxonomy. Observe that none of the terms have their corresponding term_meta

When exporting content of one custom post type, the term_meta should be included.

I have not found one. Looking at wp-admin/includes/export.php:148 I can see that $terms is only populated when $argscontent? is set to all ("All Content"). Here the source I am referring to:

Environment: WP 5.2.1, WAMP, PHP7.2

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