Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #48368, comment 15

10/21/2019 07:03:37 PM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #48368, comment 15

    initial v1  
    55I'm going to give the same answer :) Some ''visual'' changes came from the design team and they are design improvements implemented on top of the accessibility improvements. Worth noting Gutenberg already uses this specific style for `<select>` elements since several months. Consistency in the design across the admin is important and I guess we all agree to not have 2 different select styles in WordPress.
    7 From an accessibility perspective, it really doesn't matter if a select uses native arrows or a custom arrow, as long as the control can be clearly identified as a select. Questions on similar visual changes should be asked to the design team. For what is woart, I personally support these changes.
     7From an accessibility perspective, it really doesn't matter if a select uses native arrows or a custom arrow, as long as the control can be clearly identified as a select. Questions on similar visual changes should be asked to the design team. For what is worth I personally support these changes.
    99Regarding the WPSSO plugin, from what I see it uses custom CSS for the form controls. I do understand that many plugins have been forced for years to customize the styling of the core form controls because... let's face it: the core styles weren't great. Several inconsistencies in the default heights, paddings, etc., made alignments look far from ideal.