Make WordPress Core

Opened 5 years ago

#48470 new enhancement

Remove the Custom Header and Custom Background admin pages

Reported by: desrosj's profile desrosj Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Administration Keywords: 2nd-opinion
Focuses: Cc:


I fell into a rabbit hole today looking into why the custom-header.js file is specified to not get minified in Gruntfile.js. I did not find an answer to that question (it has been like that since Core switched to the new build process in [25001] and I couldn't find prior discussion), but I realized that the custom header and background pages in the admin should probably be officially deprecated in favor of the Customizer.

This is a follow up of #25569, #25571, #28032, which proposed removing these pages, but instead settled on an intermediary set of changes to encourage users, and theme and plugin developers to use the Customizer for this feature instead. Those changes were:

  • Change the admin menu links from links to themes.php?page=custom-header/themes.php?page=custom-background to deep links in the Customizer ([control]=header_image)
  • Added an admin notice informing users that the feature can now be managed with live-preview in the Customizer.
  • Hid the Background and Header links in the admin bar and with CSS when Customizer support is present.

This was in version 4.1 (5 years ago). Proper due diligence needs to be performed first, but I'd like to propose removing support for these pages in the admin in favor of redirecting users to the appropriate areas of the Customizer. The pages have been neglected for some time, and the previews are pretty broken for most themes providing a bad experience whenever a plugin or theme has linked to these pages directly.

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