8 | | There is a guide https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/testing/patch/, though it requires some prior knowledge of setting up a local development environment, which is by no means intuitive. I can try to answer any questions you have though. In terms of more informal, manual testing, an option would be to manually download a clean copy of WordPress, set up an install on a local server, and simply copy and paste the code to the relevant files. |
| 8 | There is a guide https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/testing/patch/, though it requires some prior knowledge of setting up a local development environment, which is by no means intuitive. I can try to answer any questions you have though. |
| 9 | |
| 10 | In terms of more informal, manual testing, another option would be to manually download a clean copy of WordPress, set up an install on a local server, and simply copy and paste the code to the relevant files. |