Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #49056, comment 12

10/03/2024 06:41:41 PM (4 months ago)


  • Ticket #49056, comment 12

    v1 v2  
    66- According to Google AI there are 861 million WordPress websites
    77- I'm assuming 75% updated to the latest version of WordPress and did not have the aforementioned flag set.
    8 - A quick Google brings up a [ carbon footprint calculator] which doesn't link well(!) but suggests downloading 3 megabytes releases about 0.003kg of CO2
    9 - I'm not taking into account storage
     8- A quick Google brings up a [ carbon footprint calculator] which suggests downloading 3 megabytes releases about 0.003kg of CO2
     9- I'm not taking into account the impact of the extra storage consumed
    11 Even if you water these numbers down considerably there's an awful lot of CO2 being released here which could seemingly be avoided by providing a simple link and a button.
     11Even if you water these numbers down considerably there's an awful lot of CO2 being released here which could seemingly be avoided by providing a simple instruction/alert and a button.
    13 When WordPress was starting out I imagine the default theme was used a lot of the time. These days I would expect that balance has shifted. But perhaps someone has these numbers...
     13More generally I would have thought when WordPress was starting out the default theme was used a lot of the time. These days I imagine that balance has shifted. But perhaps someone has these numbers...