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Opened 4 years ago

Closed 5 months ago

#49904 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Twenty Twenty: Blog Layout Improvements

Reported by: commorancy0's profile commorancy0 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Bundled Theme Keywords: close
Focuses: Cc:



I am suitably impressed by the Twenty Twenty theme's support and customization, but only to a point. While we can very impressively apply layouts to pages from a visual list of templates shown on the "Change Layout" screen, I was hoping for that same level of visual layout for the template of the blog article post page.

Instead, what I'm greeted with is no visual layout possibilities of the blog's default post page. Other than a dropdown of Default, Cover Template and Full Width Template, there seems to be no way to modify the layout of the default blog article page. Even then, this dropdown won't even be necessary if the posts page can be customized with an overall layout template. Yes, I can modify each blog article itself one by one, but only within the constraints of the theme. I'm disappointed to find that no layout system exists to modify a blog's overall template page. This is particularly disappointing since WordPress is supposed to be software dedicated to blogging.

It's great that so much development effort was given to allow many customization options for modifying pages, but I'm wondering why this same level of customization wasn't given to the blog template page for posts?

Enhancement Request

I'd like to request the following theme improvement. I'd like to see the Twenty Twenty theme allow application of visual page layouts to the default blog article template page in similar form to applying layouts to actual pages.

This change will allow us to apply banner images and other decorative images around a blog article post like we can on standard pages. We can also properly space paragraphs, set colors, customize sizing of H1, H2, text and so on through the Default template rather than having to play games in Gutenberg using in-line CSS via each individual article OR by manually mucking about in the theme's CSS style sheet. Once a template is visually configured, the only thing writers need to do is write, not worry about a post's overall layout.

Please consider this addition. If this is not the correct bug reporting system to report Twenty Twenty theme improvements, please let me know where to post it. If such a way to do what I suggest already exists in this theme and I'm missing it somewhere, please let me know that too.

Change History (4)

#1 @SergeyBiryukov
4 years ago

  • Component changed from Post Formats to Bundled Theme

#2 @ianbelanger
4 years ago

  • Focuses template removed
  • Severity changed from major to normal
  • Summary changed from Twenty Twenty Theme -- Blog Layout Improvements to Twenty Twenty: Blog Layout Improvements

Thanks for your ticket @commorancy0. This is the correct place to request enhancements and report bugs for all of the bundled themes. We will consider your request and any updates will be reported here. Thanks

#3 @karmatosed
5 months ago

  • Keywords close added

Whilst I appreciate this enhancement request I would suggest closing this for now as the theme has been out for a while and the focus currently is on bugs not new features or functionality for older themes. For now I am going to put the recommendation of 'close' keyword on and if anyone else has other information please raise it and we can discuss.

#4 @karmatosed
5 months ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

I am going to close this thank you.

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