Make WordPress Core

Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 19 months ago

#50673 reviewing feature request

Create "Accessibility Statement" tool with features equivalent to Privacy Policy Tools

Reported by: mrwweb's profile mrwweb Owned by: audrasjb's profile audrasjb
Milestone: Future Release Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: General Keywords: 2nd-opinion
Focuses: accessibility Cc:


All websites should have an accessibility statement along with their privacy statements. Building on the privacy policy tools, creating a nearly identical set of tools for creating and managing an accessibility statement would be fabulous! That include:

  • Ability to auto-create a draft page with draft language
  • Ability for plugins to add relevant information about their accessibility impacts to the statement draft
  • Function to get accessibility statement page

The W3C has an excellent [policy generator]( that could potentially provide the outline for the draft statement.

Change History (12)

#1 @audrasjb
5 years ago

  • Keywords 2nd-opinion added
  • Owner set to audrasjb
  • Status changed from new to reviewing

Hi @mrwweb and thank you for opening this ticket,

Looking at this proposal at a glance, I was going to answer that policies are very different depending on the countries. But honestly, that's totally the same for privacy. In my opinion, this is a great idea and could be a great project for the Accessibility team. Maybe it could be developed as a Feature plugin at the beginning, then merged into core.

I'll make sure to add your proposal to this week Accessibility team meeting.


This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by nrqsnchz. View the logs.

5 years ago

#3 @sarahricker
5 years ago

Hey @mrwweb! The Accessibility Team discussed this proposal in our weekly meeting on 07/17/2020. Ultimately, I believe we were all in agreement that this is a good endeavor to help educate and spread awareness on Web Accessibility, though we agreed it should be fairly open ended and optional, much like the existing Privacy Statement feature. Here is a summary for each of our discussion points:

Proper / Intended Use of the Feature:

  • Just like the Privacy Statement page, site owners should be invited to use it to generate an accessibility statement.
  • The tool could have some content (ideally generated by WordPress, not by an external tool) that site owners could use as is, edit, or ignore.

Potential Misuse of the Feature:

  • If sites claim they're accessible, it doesn't actually avoid any responsibility for being accessible.
  • Users are responsible for the information they elect to publish. (Similar to potentially publishing false information in the Privacy Statement).
  • The intro text on that page could also give guidance, thus becoming a small token to educate people.


  • Providing resources to the site owners about accessibility and the legal framework of web accessibility would be critical to understanding the intent of the feature and proper adoption of the tool. A few resources we discussed that would be helpful:
  1. The "minimal example" from the W3C:
  2. The generator from the W3C:
  3. We also discussed the possibility of scanning the site's front end to help suggest content for their Accessibility statement, but since there are many tools with different testing methods, that's probably not a route this feature should take. However, even simply linking to the W3C's list of tools may help encourage site owners to begin Accessibility Testing of their own sites:

Hope that helps, let us know if we can provide any more feedback. Thanks!

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by sarahricker. View the logs.

4 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by sarahricker. View the logs.

4 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by sarahricker. View the logs.

4 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryokuhi. View the logs.

4 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryokuhi. View the logs.

3 years ago

#9 @ryokuhi
3 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Future Release

The ticket was reviewed today during the Accessibility Team's bug-scrub.
As some work has already been done and there's interest for such a feature, we're moving this ticket to Future Release.

#10 @Travel_girl
3 years ago

@ryokuhi I would like to contribute to that, because that is a great idea. Where can I contribute to it? As far as I understand there is a plugin in progress?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by joedolson. View the logs.

19 months ago

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