Make WordPress Core

Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#51771 closed defect (bug) (reported-upstream)

Application Passwords Plugin misses 'rest_add_application_passwords_to_index'

Reported by: pacifika's profile pacifika Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Login and Registration Keywords:
Focuses: rest-api Cc:


After reading the integration guide (, I'm excited to use the Application Passwords feature plugin. Thanks for all the hard work to make WP a viable backend for mobile and desktop apps.

However it is missing critical functionality that's present in WordPress 5.6, namely the functionality to detect whether the feature is present. As a result the feature plugin isn't compatible with the integration guide written for it.

For projects that will update to WP 5.6 in the future, but need to use Application Passwords now, the feature plugin is almost perfectly positioned, if it only contained the full feature.

I think it would help adoption of this feature if the feature code written for WP 5.6 was backported into the Application Password feature plugin.

Change History (2)

#2 @TimothyBlynJacobs
4 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to reported-upstream
  • Status changed from new to closed

Hi @pacifika!

This should be reported in the Application Passwords repo:

However, I wouldn't recommend developing off of the App Passwords feature plugin. The feature in 5.6 varies greatly in implementation from the featured plugin.

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