Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #51964

12/11/2020 03:33:37 PM (4 years ago)

Hello @javad2000, and thank you for reporting this problem. The ticket was discussed during the weekly accessibility bug scrub. The accessibility team agrees that, while this is a major problem for screen reader users, also sighted users could benefit from such a feature. The ticket needs some design: all interfaces where bulk actions are available use WP tables, while the menu screen is different, so we can't apply the same design.


  • Ticket #51964

    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Focuses ui administration added
    • Property Keywords needs-design added
    • Property Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 5.7
    • Property Owner set to azhiyadev
    • Property Severity changed from major to normal
  • Ticket #51964 – Description

    initial v2  
    22I am blind and I use WordPress with screen reader software (JAWS and NVDA).
    3 Using Wordpress menu editor is too tedious and time-consuming for a blind user, although other features are quite accessible.
     3Using WordPress menu editor is too tedious and time-consuming for a blind user, although other features are quite accessible.
    44When I go to Appearance > Menus and I add many items to the menu, I cannot rearrange the menu items by drag&drop. I can use Move up / Move down / Move under options for moving the menu items, but this is too time-consuming. I need to press Move Up button 20 times if I want to move an item up to 20 steps higher.  If I want to move 5 items up by 20 steps, I need to press "Move up" 100 times, over and over. If I want to create a hierarchical menu  with an average of 30 menu items, I need to take about 3 hours on rearranging the items.