Make WordPress Core

Opened 4 years ago

Closed 2 months ago

#52761 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Date Permalinks

Reported by: dshanske's profile dshanske Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Date/Time Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


This one surprised me that there is no functionality around it I could find in the code.

A function to generate a date permalink. Specifically, in use case, let's say, in my post, I want to display the date.. March 10, 2021, and link it to the day archive. Then, on the day archive, I want a prev and next button for the day before and day after for better navigation.

There is no simple functionality for this that I see. I can write functions to do this, but it seems to me there should be built in functions to figure out what date archive the current retrieved URL is, to generate the permalinks to a day, month, or year archive based on a WP_Post object/post ID or a DateTime object.

Change History (4)

#1 @Rarst
4 years ago

built in functions to figure out what date archive the current retrieved URL is

is_date(), is_day(), and several more, see a date page in conditional tags. Global $wp_query would have query variables of which specific date is it.

to generate the permalinks to a day, month, or year archive based

get_day_link(), get_month_link(), get_year_link()

Day before/after isn't trivial because there might be no posts in them. get_adjacent_post() can be used to figure that out, but it gets clunky.

Would that be enough for your needs?

Or please suggest how would you envision a specific function that covers something that is currently missing.

#2 @dshanske
4 years ago

I think I was unclear, apologies. There is no function for getting a permalink directly from the current archive page...You would have to determine what query was being made then feed it into the functions you identified. Also no function to get it from a DateTime or post object..

For example...

get_post_date_permalink( $post, type = 'day' )

get_datetime_permalink( $datetime, $type )

#3 @Rarst
4 years ago

There isn't an established API pattern in core of generating an archive link from a specific post object.

To be clear, is there something you can't achieve with existing functions? Or not having ready-made function to do exactly this is the only issue?

If latter, it doesn't sound too useful to me personally. Though there are plenty of very niche functions in core. :)

#4 @pbearne
2 months ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

There is no movement on this, so closing

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