23 | | 2. On the appropriate date archive type where we know conflicts may occur (year, month or day), try treating the offending parameter as if it was a post ID. This is a nearly free query -- we're looking for a single post. If a post is found, serve the expected post. If not, either fallback to serving the date archive as usual, or redirect to something appropriate (e.g. day url to month url, month url to year url, year url to blog url). |
| 23 | 2. On the appropriate date archive type where we know conflicts may occur (year, month or day), try treating the offending parameter as if it was a post slug. This is a nearly free query -- we're looking for a single post. If a post is found, serve the expected post. If not, either fallback to serving the date archive as usual, or redirect to something appropriate (e.g. day url to month url, month url to year url, year url to blog url). |