Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #5305, comment 48

01/23/2015 09:57:35 AM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #5305, comment 48

    v3 v4  
    21211. On permalink save (and on the next WP upgrade), test for permalink conflict potential. Suppose a two or four digit slug. Does a day rule catch it? The same for month and year rules. If yes, flag the structure as potentially leading to conflicts (as in year, month, day, or none).
    23 2. On the appropriate date archive type where we know conflicts may occur (year, month or day), try treating the offending parameter as if it was a post ID. This is a nearly free query -- we're looking for a single post. If a post is found, serve the expected post. If not, either fallback to serving the date archive as usual, or redirect to something appropriate (e.g. day url to month url, month url to year url, year url to blog url).
     232. On the appropriate date archive type where we know conflicts may occur (year, month or day), try treating the offending parameter as if it was a post slug. This is a nearly free query -- we're looking for a single post. If a post is found, serve the expected post. If not, either fallback to serving the date archive as usual, or redirect to something appropriate (e.g. day url to month url, month url to year url, year url to blog url).
    2525The upside of this suggestion is it "just works" from the end-user's point of view. I may be wrong, but I can't imagine a site owner caring the slightest bit about offending date archives having a slightly non-standard behavior if he opted for a permalink structure that basically invites potential conflicts.