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Opened 4 years ago

#53583 new defect (bug)

Distraction Free Writing Mode not available on visual tab

Reported by: arthurdaly's profile arthurdaly Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.7.2
Component: Editor Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


When using the classic editor under keyboard shortcuts it states that Ctrl Alt W is the shortcut for distraction free writing mode. On the visual tab this shortcut doesn't work, and the icon is missing in 5.7.2.

The reason I'm raising this issue is that in the past I had used this mode from an icon on the toolbar, and I was unable to locate it. The icon is showing on the text tab, and the shortcut works on this tab. The icon and shortcut are not able to be activated on the visual tab. Moving the cursor outside the text area exits dfw mode, although the icon shows that it's still activated. I'm not sure if this is intended.

After checking a previous wordpress version of 5.5.5 I discovered that the icon was on the visual tab in this version, and the keyboard shortcut works as expected on both tabs. I tested this with a number of post types, such as posts, pages and products. To reproduce, load the edit post screen as described, then downgrade wordpress version to 5.5.5. The icon should now show on the visual tab.

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