Make WordPress Core

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#53850 assigned defect (bug)

Plugin available updates not being displayed and updates not possible via admin console menu

Reported by: ian-helliwell's profile Ian Helliwell Owned by: audrasjb's profile audrasjb
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.8
Component: Upgrade/Install Keywords: has-screenshots
Focuses: administration Cc:


since updating to 5.8, available plugin updates are briefly displayed as a red number against the updates and plugin menus. However, the updates page shows all plugins, themes and translations are up to date - which they clearly aren't.

Attachments (5)

1 Screenshot 2021-08-01 at 09.51.44.png (563.3 KB) - added by Ian Helliwell 4 years ago.
2 Screenshot 2021-08-01 at 09.52.27.png (872.4 KB) - added by Ian Helliwell 4 years ago.
3 Screenshot 2021-08-01 at 09.52.44.png (880.6 KB) - added by Ian Helliwell 4 years ago.
4 Screenshot 2021-08-01 at 09.42.43.png (556.4 KB) - added by Ian Helliwell 4 years ago.
5 Screenshot 2021-08-01 at 10.06.31.png (439.0 KB) - added by Ian Helliwell 4 years ago.

Change History (17)

#1 @audrasjb
4 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Upgrade/Install
  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Hello and welcome to WordPress Core Trac,

So to summarize and clarify the issue, the wp-admin/update-core.php page shows that all your plugins are up to date, and they aren't?

#2 @Ian Helliwell
4 years ago

Correct. But worse still, I cannot upgrade plugins either via the updates menu or via the plugins page as they are all shown as up-to-date.

Thanks, Ian

#3 @audrasjb
4 years ago

How do you know they are not up-to-date?
Could you please share some screenshots of the issue?
I can't reproduce it on a fresh install.

#4 @Ian Helliwell
4 years ago

I have attached:

  1. A screen shot of the admin console shwing the updates page which I forced a re-check before the screen shot.
  2. A screen shot of the 10Web console which shows available updates for a number of plugins - specifically Quttera Malware Scanner and Really Simple SSL.
  3. A screen shot of the plugins page showing those two plugins and version numbers.

Notably, I have not had any "updates available" via the update page since upgrading to 5.8 a week ago which is unprecedented.

#5 @Ian Helliwell
4 years ago

I managed by chance to capture the brief red updates available on my test site (I don't run 10web console on that site). See attachements 4 & 5

#6 @Ian Helliwell
4 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback removed

#7 @audrasjb
4 years ago

  • Keywords has-screenshots added
  • Owner set to audrasjb
  • Status changed from new to assigned

Thank you! I'll try to reproduce the issue on a fresh install.

#8 @Ian Helliwell
4 years ago

For info, I deactivated the caching plugin (WP-Optimize) and refreshed everything just in case but no difference.

#9 @artsgirl
4 years ago

I am experiencing this exact same behavior, across multiple sites that I manage for clients and myself. I haven't yet been able to identify a consistency across the sites, as they all have different combos of plugins. The only consistency seems to be WordPress. I can probably provide additional information/screenshots if necessary for troubleshooting.

#10 @JimGoodrich
3 years ago

I have also been having this issue and have a couple of staging sites currently with the issue.

Additionally, the Automatic Updates are inaccessible to either enable or disable. See Screenshot at:

If it would help, I am willing to create a login for Trac to see this issue live.

Let me know.

Last edited 3 years ago by JimGoodrich (previous) (diff)

#11 @Ian Helliwell
3 years ago

Maybe too early to tell, but I appear to be able to update the plugins as normal again. I'll post again in a couple of days if the problem has completely gone away.

#12 @Ian Helliwell
3 years ago

Hooray! The problem appears to have gone away now for my two sites (I hope it has for everybody). I can only guess it was plugin/theme related and an recent update has fixed it.

The change in behaviour was noted after a number of plugin updates were applied via a third-party dashboard (the only way I could do updates) - plus the first theme update since the problem started (I use Poseidon).

Other than that, I cannot point to any other solution.

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