Make WordPress Core

Opened 3 years ago

Closed 13 months ago

#53967 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Post ID on admin action list

Reported by: disent's profile disent Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Administration Keywords: has-patch close reporter-feedback
Focuses: ui Cc:


Include post ID on the post action list for convenience.

Change History (6)

This ticket was mentioned in PR #1609 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by witlock.

3 years ago

I often find myself looking for the post ID by hovering over the post link and checking the URL. This change would make it much more convenient to retrieve the post ID.

Trac ticket:

#2 follow-up: @audrasjb
3 years ago

  • Keywords close reporter-feedback added

Hello and welcome to WordPress Trac, thank you for opening this ticket!

At a glance, I'd say this is plugin territory as it's not something useful for the majority of users
Related: the 20/80 rule

Do you have any generic use case that would apply to all users? When post IDs are needed? Is that an universal use case on a fresh install, without any plugin installed?

Marking this as close pending reporter feedback :)

#3 @SergeyBiryukov
3 years ago

Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket.

Post IDs were intentionally removed from the Posts list table 13 years ago in the WordPress 2.5 admin UI redesign. [6778] and [6796] appear to be the related changesets.

I think displaying the IDs is plugin territory, as it's mostly helpful for developers but not for regular users.

Plugins like Reveal IDs or Show Pages IDs might be helpful here.

#4 in reply to: ↑ 2 @lkraav
3 years ago

Example use case: every time one needs to perform some WP CLI operation on a post object, it's super annoying to get an object ID

the 20/80 rule is certainly a thing, and this implementation adheres to it quite well. It's there when you need it, hidden when you don't.

It's been directly adopted from WooCommerce, who ships this look in core today.

Both Reveal IDs and Show Pages IDs plugins implement the suboptimal approach of adding a new space-hogging and noise-producing column, so to me that disqualifies them from discussion.

Looking at how light this implementation is, I'd argue it seems like a solid bet that at WP user base size, UX win potential for millions of people outweighs maintenance burdain concerns here. In addition, WooCommerce could drop shipping their own isolated version.

Your thoughts?

#5 @johnbillion
3 years ago

  • Version trunk deleted

#6 @hellofromTonya
13 months ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

Following up on older close candidate tickets.

I agree this is plugin territory. As Sergey noted, it was intentionally removed:

Post IDs were intentionally removed from the Posts list table 13 years ago in the WordPress 2.5 admin UI redesign. [6778] and [6796] appear to be the related changesets.

While it would be helpful for developers, support, etc., it's not helpful for the majority of users.

@lkraav It's okay for WooCommerce and other plugins to implement their own custom enhancement for needs like this. For Core, I'm not seeing how this enhancement benefits the majority of WordPress users (i.e. 80% or more of end users will actually appreciate and use).

Given it's a close candidate with no additional follow-up for 2 years, I'll close it as wontfix. However, please reopen if there is a case that it will benefit the majority of users.

Also note: The WordPress Admin will be going through a redesign as part of Phase 3: Collaboration roadmap.

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