#54134 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)
Translations of several buttons lost after upgrade to WP 5.8.1
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 5.8.1 |
Component: | I18N | Keywords: | |
Focuses: | ui | Cc: |
Hi Team
After the upgrade to 5.8.1 several buttons lost their translation
And it is not possible to find them in LOCO as well
The missing translations are located in the editor
The missing translation list:
Status & visibility
Switch to draft
Example of the missing translation - see image
My site:
Yaron Carmi
Attachments (1)
Change History (7)
3 years ago
Hi @haipo
Although this might feel like a WordPress core bug, I'm not sure it is. (In other words: A good first place to ask about this problem might have been the usual forums. )
Still: The technical handling of these particular strings is a bit tricky, since the translation is consumed in Javascript, and translations for Javascript are packaged in .json files, rather than the "usual" .po and .mo files that PHP uses.
In case you got some broken files in your latest update, have you tried the "Reinstall he_IL 5.8.1" on the "Updates" page?
It might be possible that something is incorrect with the current Hebrew language pack. Let's ping the #he_IL team (← by pinging them, like I just did) and ask them if they can see the same problem on other sites.
We should note that the Hebrew translation is still not at 100%. But these particular strings do seem to be translated. (I.e. pending voluntary translator contribution. Wink-wink :) )
On my (Swedish) test site these strings are correctly translated. But of course we still can't exclude a problem with core, in case there might be an issue with RTL languages, for instance, or something went wrong in the build process, or something went wrong in your particular update.
3 years ago
Also: Please also check if the problem is still present if you temporarily deactivate all your plugins and switch to a standard WordPress theme (like TwentyTwentyone).
3 years ago
Hi @tobifjellner
I did as you asked me:
Deactivated all plugins
Changed to theme: Twenty twenty one
And also rechecked that both my DEV site and my production site have the same problem
If you like, I can share with you credentials to my DEV site, so you can have a look.I hope this information is useful for you.
Thanks a lot for your responce
I really appreciate it.
Yaron Carmi
3 years ago
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from assigned to closed
If you like, I can share with you credentials
Please never ask for other people's credential or offer to share you own here.
I just added Hebrew as a language on my testsite and could see the same problem you were having.
Then I forced the Hebrew language pack to be rebuilt (by rejecting a single string and then accepting it again and waited for the hourly build task to happen).
When I after that update the translations via the "Update" page, the problem was gone.
So I'm going to close this ticket.
Example of the missing translations