Make WordPress Core

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#54230 new defect (bug)

Block based widgeteditor can't update "Not a valid JSON response"

Reported by: davidlarssonback's profile davidlarssonback Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.8.1
Component: Widgets Keywords: reporter-feedback
Focuses: Cc:


When editing widgets with the new blockbased widgeteditor I can not update. I get the error "Not a valid JSON response".

I can publish and update posts and pages.
I can edit and update widgets from the customizer.

I have tried chaging permalink settings. Even with permalinks set to plain I still get the same error when I use the widgeteditor.

Site is running on an ISS server.

Change History (7)

#1 @davidlarssonback
3 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Widgets

#2 @antonvlasenko
3 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Thank you for submitting a ticket.
Could you please provide clear steps on how to reproduce this issue?
Screencast would also help in the further triage.
Thank you.

Last edited 3 years ago by antonvlasenko (previous) (diff)

#3 @sabbirshouvo
3 years ago

@davidlarssonback are you using any shortcode inside widgets? If yes then please check if any of the shortcodes echo anything instead of return. If echo or output anything then the error will happen. Shortcodes should always return content.

#4 @sabbirshouvo
3 years ago

  • Focuses rest-api removed

#5 @joegasper
3 years ago

Same issue, just Widget editor fails. Tried everything you'll find on this error. Running IIS, don't have a site that it works, single or multisite. This is a screen recording of a generic site, 2021 theme. PHP 7.4 - no errors. MySQL 5.7.25.!AhHWmqEUaqs0hI0S7RPk4757r8ud7w?e=enfgpn

#6 @robaxxx
3 years ago

Same error here. Am also using IIS as the other two above, but wasn't aware that it might be related to that? The issue began with the new block widgets editor in 5.8.0, now on 5.8.2

The error happens when clicking Update in Appearance > Widgets. It does not happen when updating Widgets in Appearance > Customise. It also does not happen when using the Classic Widgets plugin to disable the Block editor.

Have confirmed with everything disabled and using the 21 default theme. Everything else works well. PHP 7.4.13

#7 @cstrathmeyer
3 years ago

Same issue here, but the issue began with the automatic update to WordPress 5.9.0 on January 26, 2022. I was previously running 5.8.3. Previously, I could edit theme widgets successfully via either Appearance | Widgets or Appearance | Customize.

I am using a Theme Spiral theme called TimesNews Pro.

I have the same problem with the Widget Block Editor as the OP. I can open a widget in Appearance | Widgets and I can edit the content of the widget using the widget block editor. But when I click Update, I get the same JSON error as the previous posters. The screen recording submitted by @joegasper is exactly the error message I am seeing.

Like the other posters, I can successfully edit the widget and save the new content via Appearance | Customize.


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