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Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#55065 new defect (bug)

galleries not working properly

Reported by: pantsonfire77's profile pantsonfire77 Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Editor Keywords: block-editor-ui
Focuses: Cc:

Description (last modified by sabernhardt)

  1. can't drag and drop to reorganize photos within a gallery
  1. if there is a "hanging" single photo in a gallery, it is not flush with the rest of the gallery
  1. when centering a gallery, the photos are aligned single file down the page as opposed to in rows of 2-3, as specified. I.e., it's no longer a WYSIWYG editor as far photos are concerned.

Change History (3)

#1 @sabernhardt
3 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Editor
  • Description modified (diff)
  • Keywords block-editor-ui added

Hi and welcome to Trac!

Because this involves the block editor interface, these reports belong on GitHub, if they are not already there.

The Gallery block has left and right arrows to reorganize, but of course that is not drag-and-drop.

For now, I recommend experimenting with creating galleries in a "Classic" block. Use the "Add Media" button and then select "Create gallery" on the side. That interface has drag-and-drop functionality, and it should not make image(s) in the last row larger/wider than the others (unless your theme creates that layout).

#2 @sabernhardt
3 years ago

I was wrong about the Classic block: the drag-and-drop functionality within the Edit gallery dialog is currently buggy (#54902), but it should be fixed in 5.9.1 (within a few weeks).

#3 @glendaviesnz
3 years ago

Hi @pantsonfire77, thanks for reporting these issues.

  1. can't drag and drop to reorganize photos within a gallery

Are you able to clarify if this is in the dialog that pops up to browse the media library, or in the actual block within the editor page? If it is the media library dialog this is a known issue as @sabernhardt mentioned. If you in fact can't drag and drop within the actual block then feel free to file an issue for that over at

  1. if there is a "hanging" single photo in a gallery, it is not flush with the rest of the gallery

This has been fixed here, and should be in 5.9.1

  1. when centering a gallery, the photos are aligned single file down the page as opposed to in rows of 2-3, as specified. I.e., it's no longer a WYSIWYG editor as far photos are concerned.

I wasn't able to replicate this, so if you were able to file a new issue for it over at, with details about which theme you are using, someone will take a look at this.

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