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Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#55248 new defect (bug)

Ajax call has stop to work (single custom post content)

Reported by: zak87's profile zak87 Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.9.1
Component: Posts, Post Types Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


Ajax call which should get a content from a single custom post item has stop to work. On other hand, Ajax call which is getting more Portfolio items (more custom post items) works fine (you have all in the video - sorry for my English).

All was fine until the WP ver 5.9 but the bug is there after updating on ver 5.9.1

Video link -

Change History (1)

#1 @zak87
3 years ago


I have fixed this (fixed my code - it can be closed).

But the point is:
I am using from WP 5.2 in all my themes this line of code:


but it looks like it has not working at all until WP 5.9.1.

I will try to explain.
I hade in the theme a Ajax call which was calling a full single (single-portfolio.php) page (header + content + footer) and than I have used jQuery to get just some content from that full/whole page. And all that was working until WP 5.9.

Now, with latest update 5.9.1 that code has stop to work because of:


because I am calling/getting a full page (with header and footer - wrong way to do that). That has been fixed by calling/getting just a content part (without header/footer).

So, it looks like the wp_body_open(); has not been working correctly until WP 5.9.1.

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