Make WordPress Core

Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#55673 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

le mode automatic recovery de mon WP ne fonctionne pas

Reported by: jeannot-maingot's profile jeannot maingot Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.3.2
Component: Site Health Keywords:
Focuses: administration Cc:


bonjour, j'ai eu une page blanche de la mort hier, le backoffice était inaccessible tout comme le blog. Impossible de savoir d'où venait le problème, j'ai constaté que tout le répertoire "wp-includes" avait disparu. J'ai tout tenté en mode débug, j'ai suivi toutes les procédures pour refaire fonctionner le site en mode de débuggage mais rien n'y faisait, j'ai consulté les logs et vu que des requêtes cherchaient "wp-includes" qui n'existait plus, je l'ai remis en place avec une ancienne sauvegarde du blog et depuis le site fonctionne. En revanche je ne sais pas et je ne trouve pas l'info pour activer le mode de restauration automatique de wordpress. Je n'ai pas reçu le mail de wordpress proposant une restauration. Faut il utiliser un plugin spécifique pour cela? sinon comment faut il configurer le WP à cet effet svp? Merci.

Change History (3)

#1 @knutsp
3 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Severity changed from critical to normal
  • Status changed from new to closed

Hello and welcome to Trac!

Sorry to hear you have experienced such trouble. This system (Trac) is for development of the software and not the right place for support questions. Nothing we can do from here.

After translating it seems you are asking for some automatic restore of files in case files or directories are deleted, for whatever reason that may happen. There is no such function in WordPress Core.

I suggest contacting your web host or server admin, or try our support forums here

#2 @jeannot maingot
3 years ago

hi and many thanks for your answer. I understand perfectly but I expressed myself badly, in fact I am looking for wordpress recovery mode, or how to activate it. it works perfectly on another of my blog and without external plugin. If a plugin is faulty, we receive an email from WordPress which allows us to recover access to the backoffice and avoid the white screen of death on the backend. best regards

#3 @desrosj
3 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Site Health
  • Focuses administration added
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted

@jeannot-maingot This question is still something better suited for the Support Forums. There are volunteers that can help you or link you to documentation to help.

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