Opened 17 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
#5626 closed defect (bug) (fixed)
Keep the wp-admin footer on the bottom.
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 2.5 | Priority: | low |
Severity: | minor | Version: | 2.5 |
Component: | Template | Keywords: | footer wp-admin |
Focuses: | Cc: |
I just made a patch to help keep the wp-admin footer to the bottom of the page. When viewing pages with less content in them, the footer seems to leave a 50px gap on the bottom of page.
Attachments (5)
Change History (25)
17 years ago
That was given to the wrap of course.
.wrap { margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 25%; margin-bottom:19%; }
And by all means, if someone has a better solution, lets hear it!
17 years ago
That doesnt stop the problem with higher resolution screens.
Theres a few CSS hacks which use min-height and a few javascript based methods which are supposed to be cross browser compatible(But usually miss one or 2 important browsers)
17 years ago
Oh okay. Yeah, I'm not using anything above 800x600. Well, hopefully someone can "fix" this issue then. This hasn't been around since new redesign, this has been happening since I started using WordPress a few years ago. :(
17 years ago
An alternate way would be to simply make the gap between the footer and screen bottom dark grey. By making the body
's background #464646
, and then making .wrap
and friends #ffffff
, it at least makes the gap grey like the rest of the footer.
19 19 .wrap { 20 20 margin: 0; 21 21 padding: 0; 22 margin-left: 15px; 23 margin-right: 25%; 22 padding-left: 15px; 23 padding-right: 25%; 24 background: #fff; 24 25 } 25 26 26 27 .wrap h2 { … … 89 90 } 90 91 91 92 body { 92 background: # fff;93 background: #464646; 93 94 color: #333; 94 95 margin: 0; 95 96 padding: 0;
Didn't bother to attach a patch, as it's not worth applying: there are lots of bits of grey that show up in inconvenient spots. Just an idea.
Also, I don't know if it's worth tackling this issue right now. Matt did say to put a stopper in admin theme bugs until everything's completely committed.
17 years ago
there are lots of bits of grey that show up in inconvenient spots. Just an idea.
For reference, With that method you need to use something like this:
body{ background: #fff; } html{ background: #464646; }
Allthough that might also vary depending on how browsers handle the difference between body and html...
IMO, Just filling the space under is ugly anyway(Nearly full grey page on modeate comments).
But in the mean time, like Jeremy says, Might be best to hold off until the admin theme is completely implemented.
17 years ago
Oh yeah, forgot that you could set html
. But I thought that only works properly on XHTML parsed as XML. Heck, I should actually test what I'm saying, though. ;)
17 years ago
That probably doesnt work too well either anyway.
When in IE theres that bloody BrowseHappy logo BELOW the footer too though.. that'll have to either be moved into the footer or put above it i think.
17 years ago
I would welcome a cross-browser patch that kept a normal-sized footer at the bottom of short pages, or normal on long pages that scroll. (Does that sentence make sense?)
17 years ago
Just wondering, will this option help?
Or, maybe this?
17 years ago
One of the failings of all those methods seem to be that there needs to be a div holding the entire content, Something which WP doesnt currently have(And while one could be added, it may break the redesigning or somesuch).
Its not just an IE issue(For once), But a Safari/Firefox/Opera problem too, All the major browsers require different "hacks" to get a similar presentation
17 years ago
Ah okay. Well, I'm not sure what this one will do, or how it could maybe help. But it does list a few browsers. Again, not sure if this will be an option or not?
17 years ago
Would a Javascript method be OK?
It'd be much simpler than trying to locate a CSS hack that works in everything, But at the same time, it causes the footer to "jump" if the page loads slowly.. Which turns me off the idea.
I'll have a look at the pure css methods over the next week or so and see if i can come up with a solution that works.
17 years ago
- Cc docwhat added
I have used this method several times and would recommend it:
It works well across all the browsers I test:
- Safari 2
- Safari 3
- FF2
- FF3b2
- IE6
- IE7
- Opera 9
17 years ago
Here is a JS file i've used before
I started to create a patch, but the "wrap" div uses a class and not an ID so the JS needs to be configured. Unfortunately, my last patch has made my interest in JS quite nil.
17 years ago
Attempt of this "fix" seems to work for me.
17 years ago
Just added a new patch, using the "themaninblue" fix once. It seems to work for me. Can someone else test this out once and let me know how it goes? =D
↓ 19
17 years ago
i'm testing a few out too..
The problem with Pure CSS is that they rely on the footer containing a known ammount of content.
In IE theres the BrowseHappy logo, And plugins also add extra stuff via the admin_footer hook occasionally.
I've not looked into the plugins adding extra content, But this seems to work allright for me.(diff attached) -- Its much the same as spencerp's, but deals with the browsehappy logo.
The only thing i've noticed, is that If you change the font size in IE7(from medium), then it zooms the entire page, However, i think that might be due to something completely different as all the tabs are screwed up when that happens too.
in reply to:
↑ 18
17 years ago
Replying to DD32:
i'm testing a few out too..
The problem with Pure CSS is that they rely on the footer containing a known ammount of content.
In IE theres the BrowseHappy logo, And plugins also add extra stuff via the admin_footer hook occasionally.
I've not looked into the plugins adding extra content, But this seems to work allright for me.(diff attached) -- Its much the same as spencerp's, but deals with the browsehappy logo.
The only thing i've noticed, is that If you change the font size in IE7(from medium), then it zooms the entire page, However, i think that might be due to something completely different as all the tabs are screwed up when that happens too.
That seems to work for me as well. Tried it in 800x600 res and up to the highest Res in Firefox. I'm not sure about the other browsers though. At least it's "coded" nicer too. Mine could be changed though as well, I basically just slapped in the default hack wording and went with it for "testing" purposes only lol. Ah well, at least we have two options here to have tested and see what happens from here out. =D Thanks again for that patch!
To help keep the footer on bottom of the page.