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Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#56351 new defect (bug)

Shared terms will not apply properly to a post in WordPress 6.0

Reported by: kaygee79's profile kaygee79 Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.0
Component: Taxonomy Keywords: has-unit-tests reporter-feedback
Focuses: Cc:


Starting with WordPress 6.0, and with a databases that still as shared terms, only one taxonomy can be applied to a post.

Having a term that belongs to multiple taxonomies e.g.

| term_id | name          | slug          | taxonomy |
|     277 | TermSplitTest | termsplittest | category |
|     277 | TermSplitTest | termsplittest | post_tag |

| term_taxonomy_id | term_id | taxonomy | description | parent | count |
|              472 |     277 | category |             |      0 |     8 |
|              277 |     277 | post_tag |             |      0 |     6 |

A post will apply the term to only one taxonomy e.g. selecting this term as a category will apply this term as a post tag or vice versa. This change was introduced in:

With WordPress 5.9.x the term_exists function would return the correct term_taxonomy_id:

term_exists( 277, 'category' );
    [term_id] => 277
    [term_taxonomy_id] => 472

term_exists( 277, 'post_tag' );
    [term_id] => 277
    [term_taxonomy_id] => 277

With WordPress 6.0.x term_exists returns the same term_taxonomy_id:

term_exists( 277, 'category' );
    [term_id] => 277
    [term_taxonomy_id] => 277

term_exists( 277, 'post_tag' );
    [term_id] => 277
    [term_taxonomy_id] => 277

The term will be split if you re-save it in wp-admin using the category taxonomy. The same does not happen if you re-save the term in the post_tag taxonomy. Instead you get an error:

Attachments (1)

Screenshot on 2022-08-08 at 12-56-51 (1).png (69.5 KB) - added by kaygee79 3 years ago.
Error trying to save shared term

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

3 years ago

Error trying to save shared term

This ticket was mentioned in PR #3077 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by peterwilsoncc.

3 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch has-unit-tests added

#2 @peterwilsoncc
3 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch removed

In the linked pull request I've created a test with an unsplit term.

As yet, it does not contain a fix.

#3 @peterwilsoncc
3 years ago

After further investigation, the underlying cause appears to be [52836] for #37189.

In #37189 the WP_Term_Query class switched to caching individual term IDs in the main query cache, and them using those IDs to get each individual term object.

On a site with unsplit terms, the WP_Term_Query cache no longer includes the tt_id relevant to the query.

#4 @peterwilsoncc
3 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

@kaygee79 do you know why you still have unsplit terms on your install? For context, I am trying to work out if there is a bug in the unsplitting routine or whether it is a plugin.

#5 @kaygee79
3 years ago

@peterwilsoncc it's a client site so I don't know the history of it, however, I have come across this on 3 other sites. To be fair, it was only a few terms that were not split. So maybe they were terms that have not been edited since WP4.3 and never migrated for some reason? Totally a guess though.

#6 @johnbillion
3 years ago

  • Version set to 6.0
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