#56357 closed task (blessed) (fixed)
About Page for 6.1 release
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 6.1 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | |
Component: | Help/About | Keywords: | |
Focuses: | ui, accessibility, docs, administration, ui-copy | Cc: |
This ticket includes the discussion, planning, bug scrubs, design, work and other records leading to the development and completion of the WordPress 6.1 release About page.
The About Page involves multiple teams and the release squad as a whole. The Release Co-ordinators, Design, the Component Maintainers, and the Marcomms Lead(s) for the release are closely involved on this ticket. Other teams, including docs, training, and polyglots, follow this ticket as part of their release-related work and may have input too.
Attachments (2)
Change History (103)
3 years ago
- Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 6.1
- Type changed from enhancement to task (blessed)
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by abhanonstopnews. View the logs.
3 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by marybaum. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Hello@webcommsat @marybaum! Please DM me (jpantani on Slack) with your email info so I can share the drive where the announcments are being saved. I've updated the location for archival purposes. Thank you.
2 years ago
@marybaum it is still not working when I change the owner of the ticket to @jpantani. It did not work previously either when we were setting up the tickets as component maintainers. Can you fix this.
2 years ago
Will this drive and the materials it contains be publicly accessible without having to request access? If so, is everyone allowed to leave comments and suggestions? I haven't seen a link to the drive yet, so I'm unable to take a look myself.
If not, is there any reason that this process can't be more public and open?
I know that a lot of time and effort goes into carefully crafting and refining the messaging for the About page and related marketing materials, and I recognize that allowing everyone the ability to modify certain things is not the right approach. But I'd like to just request that this process is as open as possible.
At times in recent past, it has been very difficult to follow the history of discussions, direction, and decisions related to the About page, and near impossible to revisit the Trac tickets to retrace the progression (even for others closely involved with the release). This was mostly due to a mix of private communication that was not surfaced or summarized on the ticket, frequently creating new documents and removing public access, etc.
This was much improved in 6.0, but I just want to make sure we continue to become more open and don't regress into less open. Any contributor should be able to help with the about page content at any time during the release. ❤️
2 years ago
Yes, all of this is public. The folder was shared in the release leads channel, I believe, but I'll share it here too: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1o6zYk02bD02elnOVTTYcNN9r4y2-psrX?usp=sharing. @jpantani can make it more public/accessible if it is not at the right settings. Defintely open to feedback/input.
2 years ago
Draft of the about page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gnoOTQ8RuT_NTEgt3RtAc8KiwsAw73C4wEABNWuJADo/edit?usp=sharing
Major edits close October 6th (in one week).
Thanks to @annezazu and her work in the exploration of 6.1, for seeding A LOT of the copy.
If you feel we should include another feature, please add it - even if you are not comfortable writing copy - I can help refine it for you. This doc is a STARTER, so it is not meant to be complete. If you worked on something that is compelling enough to be in here, please add it. Remember that this page is not seen by all WP users. It is seen by folks after they upgrade and if they have access to the dashboard. More promotional content/copy about features/benefits can go into the news release that will be created in a few weeks. Thanks and don’t forget to TRACK your changes using SUGGESTING mode. Have fun!
↓ 13
2 years ago
Thanks @dansoschin . Could the About Page have a section on accessibility improvements as there are so many with 6.1? So build on the examples that are already listed in the draft. A few of the changes could then be pulled out further to show WP's commitment to accessibility in this release.
In release docs, a separate post is being considered for end users on the accessibility updates. The Accessibility team in a few of the previous releases have worked on a post which gives more in-depth information about these changes. These could be potential links from the About Page.
in reply to:
↑ 12
↓ 20
2 years ago
I think that would be reasonable... can you identify the items that should be included? Thanks!
Replying to webcommsat:
Thanks @dansoschin . Could the About Page have a section on accessibility improvements as there are so many with 6.1? So build on the examples that are already listed in the draft. A few of the changes could then be pulled out further to show WP's commitment to accessibility in this release.
In release docs, a separate post is being considered for end users on the accessibility updates. The Accessibility team in a few of the previous releases have worked on a post which gives more in-depth information about these changes. These could be potential links from the About Page.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by sabernhardt. View the logs.
2 years ago
↓ 17
2 years ago
Major edits close October 6th (in one week).
Will the layout of the page also be ready then? The page will need to be committed before Oct 11 (RC1, hard string freeze), which really only leaves 2 workdays.
in reply to:
↑ 16
2 years ago
I pinged Rich Tabor, design lead, as well as https://wordpress.slack.com/team/U03F37W35C4 Henrique, who is working on the images for this to make them both aware.
Here's a link to the thread in Slack: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C03LZ88NX6G/p1664478896051359
Replying to ryelle:
Major edits close October 6th (in one week).
Will the layout of the page also be ready then? The page will need to be committed before Oct 11 (RC1, hard string freeze), which really only leaves 2 workdays.
↓ 19
2 years ago
Ticket #6479 needs a user note somewhere, and I think it could fit in the About page when the users can manage their site's options. For consideration, I drafted a paragraph about the Site Tagline.
in reply to:
↑ 18
2 years ago
I agree this would be a good location for it. Thanks for sharing it and drafting the google doc. I have made some small suggestions to the google doc @sabernhardt .
Is there a dev note that will cover Ticket #6479? The change is quite significant and it would be good for it to be highlighted in other places too including docs and support. I will highlight it to colleagues I'm working alongside in the release docs team. I will raise it in Training too as from memory some items on Learn WordPress.org relate to the site tagline. Thanks.
Replying to sabernhardt:
Ticket #6479 needs a user note somewhere, and I think it could fit in the About page when the users can manage their site's options. For consideration, I drafted a paragraph about the Site Tagline.
in reply to:
↑ 13
2 years ago
I will share the draft paragraph with Accessibility. Thanks Dan.
Update: The ticket was mentioned in Friday's accessibility meeting. Specifically raised the comments in Slack in [this message]https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RP4X03/p1664814153939289 today.
Replying to dansoschin:
I think that would be reasonable... can you identify the items that should be included? Thanks!
Replying to webcommsat:
Thanks @dansoschin . Could the About Page have a section on accessibility improvements as there are so many with 6.1? So build on the examples that are already listed in the draft. A few of the changes could then be pulled out further to show WP's commitment to accessibility in this release.
In release docs, a separate post is being considered for end users on the accessibility updates. The Accessibility team in a few of the previous releases have worked on a post which gives more in-depth information about these changes. These could be potential links from the About Page.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by abhanonstopnews. View the logs.
2 years ago
↓ 23
2 years ago
(Discussion about documenting the Site Tagline change in other places can continue on #6479.)
in reply to:
↑ 22
2 years ago
For now, I have added a bullet point at the end of the developers section for the about page... I modified copy from the Google doc linked above.
Replying to sabernhardt:
(Discussion about documenting the Site Tagline change in other places can continue on #6479.)
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by sabernhardt. View the logs.
2 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by sabernhardt. View the logs.
2 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in PR #3433 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by ryelle.
2 years ago
- Keywords has-patch added
This PR moves the copy from the doc into code, using the design from Figma.
The header is still the 6.0 version, last I heard the design here is still in progress.
All the content and links should be in place, but none of the images have been exported yet (so they're red circles). The final images aren't necessary for RC.
I changed the layout of the last section in the icon grid — "WordPress 6.1 performance highlights" was very long, so I combined 3 smaller sections to line them up better (bonus, those were missing icons, now they don't need any).
One last section, "Block template parts in classic themes", had a repeat icon, so that's also been placeholder-ified with a red circle.
This is missing translator comments for the strings.
Trac ticket: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/56357
2 years ago
@dansoschin @richtabor Could you check out the attached PR? I left some notes in the description there.
Also, could a designer export the images from Figma when they're finalized? I can upload them to the w.org CDN. (just the screenshot-mocks, the icons are all SVG)
2 years ago
Asked about the design items in slack: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02S78ZAL/p1665506685176209
2 years ago
There are still remaining design issues but we can address those post RC — it's nothing that would change the strings.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by jeffpaul. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
@webcommsat I removed manually the props for @abhanonstopnewsuk and I replaced it with @webcommsat so it's at least good in the Credits API (the commit message can't be modified: once it's done, it's done).
2 years ago
Reword paragraph for Learn to:
Explore learn.wordpress.org for tutorial videos, online workshops, courses, and lesson plans for Meetup organizers, including new features in WordPress.
2 years ago
Content-only editing support for container blocks now has a dev note to link to
2 years ago
Content-only editing support for container blocks now has a dev note to link to
sorry for the duplication
↓ 48
2 years ago
I wondered if it makes sense to link to the Roster of Design Controls https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/10/11/roster-of-design-tools-per-block/
For the "More consistency and control across design tools" chapter, instead of the layouts.
Link for "Add starter patterns to any post type"
That's an anchor link as the information is part of the Misc Editor dev note post
"More responsive text with fluid typography" Only today we published the Dev note for it, so you could replace the current link.
↓ 43
2 years ago
Should the accessibility link be https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/10/11/wordpress-6-1-accessibility-improvements/
instead of the more general WP accessibility statement?
in reply to:
↑ 41
2 years ago
Replying to ryelle: I think this would be a more useful link. It may be that the post was not published when the general link was put in.
Should the accessibility link be
instead of the more general WP accessibility statement?
2 years ago
Hey there, thanks for working on the about page!
Some links need to be translatable:
: this one exists on each Rosetta website, i.e in fr_FRhttps://wordpress.org/plugins/performance-lab/
: this also exists on each locale, i.e. in fr_FR
Should I add a quick PR to address this?
2 years ago
I've been waiting for some more feedback to come in before making any changes to avoid too much turnover — my plan was to make a PR tomorrow morning US-time with all the content changes here.
I think the accessibility link will be changed to the make post, so that wouldn't be translated.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by chaion07. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
The links suggested by Birgit and Ryelle are good to include; they were not available until after we finished the page's copy. I may have one more modification that I'm looking into and will post back here in less than an hour if needed.
in reply to:
↑ 40
2 years ago
Replying to bph:
Link for "Add starter patterns to any post type"
The link seems like more technical documentation (how to create starter content), but the text feels more author-focused (how to use existing starter content). If you still want to add the link, can you tell me which part of the text to link?
This ticket was mentioned in PR #3459 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @ryelle.
2 years ago
- Keywords has-patch added
In this PR, I've updated the learn copy (comment 37) & added the links mentioned in comments 38, 40, 41, and added a translation wrapper around the performance plugin link (comment 44).
Trac ticket: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/56357
@dansoschin commented on PR #3433:
2 years ago
Per some recent milestone discovery, there's a feature highlighted on the About Page that will not be part of 6.1. Therefore, we will need to remove the entire bullet from the About Page copy.
Header and footer patterns for every theme
Explore these block patterns, making header and footer creation more efficient.
in reply to:
↑ 50
2 years ago
I've updated the PR to include this, too. The "fluid typography" section from the icon grid has been moved up to take its place.
Replying to prbot:
@dansoschin commented on PR #3433:
Per some recent milestone discovery, there's a feature highlighted on the About Page that will not be part of 6.1. Therefore, we will need to remove the entire bullet from the About Page copy.
Header and footer patterns for every theme
Explore these block patterns, making header and footer creation more efficient.
@dansoschin commented on PR #3433:
2 years ago
Additionally, we need to remove the following sentence from the copy, because the number value isn't an accurate representation of the material changes (fixes and enhancements).
WordPress 6.1 includes more than 2,000 updates.
I will sponsor a discussion separately from this ticket as to how best count and communicate product update (bug fixes and enhancement) counts in communications for future assets.
This ticket was mentioned in PR #3461 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @ryelle.
2 years ago
This PR also includes the string changes in #3459, but if that is approved first I'll drop them from here. To see just the design changes, you can view this diff.
- Style the headers on all 4 About subpages with the new artwork. This does mess up the dashboard widget, there's another ticket for that.
- Update the icons in the grid, adding the missing ones and some cleanup.
- Add the screenshots, using temporary make/core URLs in case they change. These will be added to s.w.org CDN when final.
- Updates some spacing and typography to match the design
Links to the screenshots, because they're very big: About, Credits, Freedoms, Privacy
And in other languages: Arabic (RTL), Korean, Swedish
Trac ticket: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/56357
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryokuhi. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Hey there! I want to signal an inconsistency in the copy.
Where it says:
New fallback options in the navigation block mean you can edit the menu that’s open; no searching needed.
It should say something like:
New fallback options mean that navigation on your site just works when you try or switch to different themes. Updates in the navigation block enable you to edit the menu that’s open; no searching needed.
Thank you!
2 years ago
- Keywords dev-reviewed added; dev-feedback removed
[double committer sign off]
PR 3461 looks good to me @ryelle 👍
2 years ago
- Keywords has-patch commit dev-reviewed removed
There are two (known) issues remaining:
- Updating the link for the release video (in two places, can find
). @annezazu Last release you had this info, are you the point of contact again? - Moving the images to the s.w.org CDN and updating the URLs. @richtabor I'm waiting on an OK from design that these are the final images.
And the Welcome panel is going to look awkward until the PR at #56703 is merged.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by chaion07. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Updating the link for the release video (in two places, can find "#" and '#').
@ryelle I'll be able to help with the video link this time around. Hoping to have it available early next week.
2 years ago
Confirming that @laurlittle is going to be the point person for the video this time around!
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryokuhi. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
- Keywords needs-design-feedback added
Moving some discussion to here from the Dashboard Welcome panel ticket #56703
@sabernhardt: I'd also like to consider changing each path element to circle and removing the clip-path so the image can be much smaller. (I could convert the Freedoms image to circles, too, but the Credits and Privacy SVGs are more complicated.)
@ryokuhi: Regarding the use of circles instead of paths, such a change would make the file sizes much smaller.
It would probably be easier if someone from the Design Team with the source files could make these changes.
The change does make the files smaller — in [54662], the main About header image (the "6.1") was updated to use circle
elements in the SVG, instead of the path
that Figma generated, and it did shrink the SVG notably.
The source files are in Figma. What would be the best way to update those so they export to circle
2 years ago
In case we decide to shrink the other three SVG images, I was able to determine a friendly equation to make the Freedoms image. (Credits and Privacy are not as easy.)
This ticket was mentioned in PR #3519 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @ryelle.
2 years ago
- Keywords has-patch added
This is a draft PR, it will also include the CDN'd images for the about page itself once those are confirmed.
Update the images used on Freedoms & Privacy.
Link to screenshots: freedoms, privacy
Trac ticket: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/56357
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by audrasjb. View the logs.
2 years ago
@audrasjb commented on PR #3519:
2 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by chaion07. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
- The new SVG's for freedom/privacy-pages might need accessibility-tags, like
aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"
or similar. The newabout-header-about.svg
had it. - Can the
-tags be converted tocircle
for smaller file sizes, just likeabout-header-about.svg
@sabernhardt Can you have a look at the new files in the linked PR (since you added your feedback for the about header) -> https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-develop/pull/3519/files
2 years ago
An optimized version of privacy.svg. I remade it with Illustrator.
`<svg width="320" height="320" viewBox="0 0 320 320" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><g fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#3858E9" stroke-width="1.2" stroke-miterlimit="10"><path d="M256.7.9H63.3C28.9.9.9 28.9.9 63.3V160a159.1 159.1 0 0 0 318.2 0V63.3c0-34.4-28-62.4-62.4-62.4z"/><circle cx="231.7" cy="104.2" r="35.1"/><circle cx="221.1" cy="114.8" r="35.1"/><circle cx="210.5" cy="125.4" r="35.1"/><circle cx="199.9" cy="136" r="35.1"/><circle cx="189.3" cy="146.6" r="35.1"/><circle cx="178.7" cy="157.2" r="35.1"/><circle cx="168.1" cy="167.8" r="35.1"/><circle cx="158.1" cy="177.8" r="35.1"/><circle cx="146.9" cy="189" r="35.1"/><circle cx="136.3" cy="199.6" r="35.1"/><circle cx="126.2" cy="189.5" r="35.1"/><circle cx="116.1" cy="179.4" r="35.1"/><circle cx="106" cy="169.3" r="35.1"/><circle cx="95.9" cy="159.2" r="35.1"/><circle cx="85.8" cy="149.1" r="35.1"/></g></svg>
2 years ago
freedom-1.svg ->
`<svg width="180" height="180" viewBox="0 0 180 180" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><g fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#3858E9" stroke-width="1.2" stroke-miterlimit="10"><circle cx="36.3" cy="90" r="35.8"/><circle cx="37.5" cy="101.2" r="35.8"/><circle cx="40.8" cy="111.5" r="35.8"/><circle cx="46.1" cy="120.8" r="35.8"/><circle cx="53" cy="128.9" r="35.8"/><circle cx="61.4" cy="135.5" r="35.8"/><circle cx="71" cy="140.3" r="35.8"/><circle cx="81.6" cy="143.1" r="35.8"/><circle cx="92.9" cy="143.7" r="35.8"/><circle cx="103.9" cy="141.9" r="35.8"/><circle cx="114" cy="138.1" r="35.8"/><circle cx="123.1" cy="132.4" r="35.8"/><circle cx="130.8" cy="125.1" r="35.8"/><circle cx="136.9" cy="116.4" r="35.8"/><circle cx="141.2" cy="106.5" r="35.8"/><circle cx="143.5" cy="95.7" r="35.8"/><circle cx="143.5" cy="84.3" r="35.8"/><circle cx="141.2" cy="73.6" r="35.8"/><circle cx="136.9" cy="63.7" r="35.8"/><circle cx="130.8" cy="55" r="35.8"/><circle cx="123.1" cy="47.6" r="35.8"/><circle cx="114" cy="41.9" r="35.8"/><circle cx="103.9" cy="38.1" r="35.8"/><circle cx="92.9" cy="36.4" r="35.8"/><circle cx="81.6" cy="37" r="35.8"/><circle cx="71" cy="39.7" r="35.8"/><circle cx="61.4" cy="44.5" r="35.8"/><circle cx="53" cy="51.1" r="35.8"/><circle cx="46.1" cy="59.2" r="35.8"/><circle cx="40.8" cy="68.5" r="35.8"/><circle cx="37.5" cy="78.9" r="35.8"/><circle cx="36.4" cy="90" r="35.8"/></g></svg>
This ticket was mentioned in PR #3523 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @kebbet.
2 years ago
Optimized graphics.
2 years ago
#5223 Optimizes 5 of the SVG files. freedom-2.svg is not optimized with new shapres and reduced clip masks, due to cutting circles resutls in complex shapes.
2 years ago
- Keywords commit dev-feedback added; needs-design-feedback removed
Marking [54690] for backport to 6.1 pending 2nd committer approval.
@sabernhardt commented on PR #3523:
2 years ago
@ryelle basically said what I was writing :)
The dashboard image needed the extra attributes because it is an inline SVG there. In the About pages, the graphics are added in img
tags with empty alt
attributes. The aria-hidden="true"
and focusable="false"
might be worth adding to the other images for consistency, though, or to support the possibility of including them inline somewhere.
2 years ago
- Keywords dev-reviewed added; dev-feedback removed
[54690] looks good for backporting.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by david.baumwald. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
- Keywords commit dev-reviewed removed
Resetting the keywords after the latest backport.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryokuhi. View the logs.
2 years ago
2 years ago
@ryelle Here is the YouTube link for the 6.1 highlight video: https://youtu.be/1w9oywSa6Hw
It's private right now, but will be make public just ahead of the release (likely during the release party on Nov 1).
Let me know if there's anything else you need.
2 years ago
I've added the patch for the new video link.
@laurlittle When I click the link, I get a message "Video unavailable This video is private." I'm assuming that's intentional, and the same link should work once it's made public?
2 years ago
- Keywords commit added
Got confirmation via DM:
It will say "private" until it goes live. The link will remain the same when made public.
2 years ago
- Keywords dev-feedback added
Marking [54729] for backport to the 6.1 branch pending 2nd committer review.
2 years ago
- Keywords dev-reviewed added; dev-feedback removed
Looks good! Thanks @ryelle for wrangling this!
2 years ago
- Keywords has-patch commit dev-reviewed removed
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from assigned to closed
And with [54731], the About page is complete 🙂
Thanks to everyone who worked on it!
2 years ago
Hey @ryelle @davidbaumwald, I know it's extremely late, but I still wanted to share my suggestion just in case: Given that the only part of https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/10/10/multisite-improvements-in-wordpress-6-1/ that was performance-related was reverted prior to 6.1 release, I wonder whether we should remove that concrete link from the About page's performance section. Is that still feasible before the release?
This ticket shared in core with Jonathan Pantani, Rich Tabor, and @critterverse.
Shared working area/ storage for images and video
The shared folder for 6.1 about page and images has been set up. As in recent releases, this lives in the releases folder in the Marketing Drive, and is backed up by Automattic. Sub folders and documents for the release announcements (blank) have been set up ready.
Next steps
To check if Jonathan Pantani (@jpantani), a Marcomms Lead, and Rich Tabor, a Design Lead, have correct access permissions to upload, edit etc. If not, these are to be added to the parent drive so they can access previous release text for updating for 6.1 and image folders. @richtabor will need full access to be able to store and edit the images for 6.1 in the folder.
Any other people who need access can be added as needed. Dan Soschin can also add people.