Make WordPress Core

Opened 2 years ago

#56671 new defect (bug)

Sitemaps not working with almost pretty permalinks

Reported by: chouby's profile Chouby Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.5
Component: Sitemaps Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


As the documentation states, WordPress supports 3 types of permalinks:

  • Plain per(malinks:
  • Pretty permalinks:
  • Almost pretty permalinks:

The 3rd solution is provided for servers with rewrite engine off.

The first 2 options are working as expected, not the third one.

To reproduce:

Tested on an Apache server:

  • Select index.php/%postname%/ in permalinks settings.
  • Delete the file .htaccess (this deactivates rewrite engine).
  • Check that you can navigate on frontend, visiting posts, pages, categories, etc... with urls all including index.php.
  • Attempt to visit (which I expect to be the sitemap index).

=> You are redirected to which is a server 404 page.

You are also redirected to the same 404 if you attempt to visit

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