6 | | In my opinion, this is an issue with Gutenberg and not with this theme. On Twenty Seventeen, look at the "Quote" block as an example which also applies italics by default. Under the "Typography" block settings, the "Appearance" option applies `font-style` as well as `font-weight` directly to the element. If you apply an italic "Appearance", you'll also notice that the `I` control is not selected. Additionally, this "Appearance" option is not available for the image caption. This is where I believe the issue lies, and why the italic reversal was added to the `I` control because you cannot otherwise change the `font-style` if the default is `font-style: italic`. |
| 6 | I believe this is an issue with Gutenberg and not with this theme. On Twenty Seventeen, look at the "Quote" block as an example which also applies italics by default. Under the "Typography" block settings, the "Appearance" option applies `font-style` as well as `font-weight` directly to the element. If you apply an italic "Appearance", you'll also notice that the `I` control is not selected. Additionally, this "Appearance" option is not available for the image caption. This is where I believe the issue lies, and why the italic reversal was added to the `I` control because you cannot otherwise change the `font-style` if the default is `font-style: italic`. |