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Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#56842 new defect (bug)

WordPress performance drop due to introduce Gutenberg

Reported by: dylan2intel's profile dylan2intel Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: major Version: 6.0
Component: Build/Test Tools Keywords: has-testing-info needs-testing
Focuses: performance Cc:

Description (last modified by costdev)

Using Siege benchmark tool to stress WordPress with transaction per second as KPI

After upgrading WordPress from v5.9.3 to v6.0, we found that the performance dropped.

After experiment on git cherry -v 5.9-branch 6.0-branch |cat -n > ~/commits_on_6.0_branch.txt totally 707 commits, root cause addressed due to this commit.

NO Commit ID Commit Message Transaction/sec
1 5fc6f2a Trunk is now 6.0-alpha. Built from 52448 217.25
354 7b96116 Twenty Twenty: Fix aria-expanded handling in search toggle. 209.71
443 476e731 Users: Improve wording of the "New Admin Email Address" email. 212.07
454 bc0f186 Administration: Clarify some sentences after [53131]. 207.59
455 ab8a964 Editor: Update WordPress packages based based on Gutenberg v13.0 RC3 186.43
456 bb723f9 Widgets: Avoid 27 duplicate translations in Media Widgets constructor. 182.69
457 4dd4aec Administration: Add unit test for term supplementary notice. 185.76
459 1d29cb6 Media: Enable edits to custom image sizes. 184.88
465 e1a2ae3 Post WordPress 6.0 Beta 1 version bump. Built from 53167 184.04
487 407e802 Docs: Use third-person singular verbs for function descriptions in author-template.php... 188.67
531 943e956 Feeds: Use latest comment date for the Last-Modified header of comments feed. 182.66
707 a9c0050 Post WordPress 6.0.2 version bump. 181.87

Change History (11)

#1 @dylan2intel
2 years ago

git clone

Follow the file to reproduce the issue.

#2 @costdev
2 years ago

  • Keywords has-testing-info needs-testing added; needs-refresh removed

#3 @costdev
2 years ago

  • Description modified (diff)

#4 @mukesh27
2 years ago

@dylan2intel Can you please share clear steps so we can reproduce the issue? Can you please improve this steps

#5 @dylan2intel
2 years ago

  1. Install docker & kubernetes, pls. refer to
  1. git clone wp-perf-drop
  1. cd wp-perf-drop; ./deploy apply # This step will deploy WordPress on kubernetes
  1. cd wp-perf-drop; docker build -t siege .
  1. cd wp-perf-drop; docker build -t siege . -f Dockerfile.siege
  1. docker run -it siege -c 100 -t 60S > output-5.9.3.log # This step will simulate 100 concurrent users stressing on wordpress with 60 seconds duration, the ip is host machine ip, pls replace ip with yours
  1. cd cd wp-perf-drop; sed -i 's/wordpress:5.9.3-php7.4/wordpress:6.0-php7.4/' wordpress-deployment.yaml
  1. cd cd wp-perf-drop; ./deploy destory # This step will destory WordPress on kubernetes
  1. Re-run step 3 # This step will re-deploy wordpress with version 6.0
  1. docker run -it siege -c 100 -t 60S > output-6.0.log
  1. cat output-5.9.3.log |grep 'trans/sec' && cat output-6.0.log |grep 'trans/sec'
Last edited 2 years ago by dylan2intel (previous) (diff)

#6 @dylan2intel
2 years ago

Actually directly install WordPress on your host machine is also acceptable, deploy on docker or kubernetes is another deployment.

#7 @TimothyBlynJacobs
2 years ago

Have you tested on 6.1 RC1? There have been performance improvements committed for Gutenberg specifically that may improve the situation.

#8 follow-up: @dylan2intel
2 years ago

Indeed, I tried, the performance also dropped on 6.1

#9 in reply to: ↑ 8 ; follow-up: @desrosj
2 years ago

Replying to dylan2intel:

Indeed, I tried, the performance also dropped on 6.1

Could you clarify? Did the performance in 6.1 drop when compared to 5.9? When compared to 6.0?

#10 in reply to: ↑ 9 @dylan2intel
2 years ago

Actually you can try it by yourself with steps provided on comment#5

BTW, I also tried on version 5.9.3, installing Gutenberg plugin, active/deactive this plugin can also reproduce the issue.

Replying to desrosj:

Replying to dylan2intel:

Indeed, I tried, the performance also dropped on 6.1

Could you clarify? Did the performance in 6.1 drop when compared to 5.9? When compared to 6.0?

#11 @jrf
2 years ago

@aristath Is this on your radar ?

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