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Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#57219 new defect (bug)

Additional CSS not visible in editor on List block

Reported by: ivojerkovic's profile ivojerkovic Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.1
Component: Editor Keywords: dev-feedback has-patch
Focuses: ui, css Cc:


List block doesn't have Additional CSS classes loaded in the Gutenberg editor.
For test, I opened a post that has Additional classes on List, they are not visible in the editor.
Then I just saved the post without making any change.The result:


<!-- wp:list {"className":"warnings-red spaced-half"} -->	
<ul class="warnings-red spaced-half">
<!-- wp:list -->
<ul><!-- wp:list-item -->

This means that after every old post update, we have to add back additional classes.

Attachments (1)

wordpress_class_issue (1).mov (7.5 MB) - added by tanjimtc71 2 years ago.
Here is the screen recording

Change History (3)

#1 @tanjimtc71
2 years ago

  • Keywords dev-feedback has-patch added

Hey, @ivojerkovic , I've gone through your issue and recreated the scenario that you described, but I didn't find any issue similar to yours! I've attached a screen recording, and in it, you can clearly see that I opened a post that has a list block with Additional classes and saved the post without making any changes and my additional classes are being loaded successfully. I think you are making a mistake somewhere else!

2 years ago

Here is the screen recording

#2 @tanjimtc71
2 years ago

hey @peterwilsoncc, any thoughts on this ticket? Looking forward to hearing from you!

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