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Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#57508 new enhancement

Redirect after clicking reset password link does not return to original users table display page position

Reported by: mjdewitt's profile mjdewitt Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.1.1
Component: Users Keywords: needs-patch
Focuses: Cc:


It looks like the redirect does not pick up the search and paged variables in effect at the time the link is clicked. This resets the display of users back to the beginning.

in users.php

line 250:

$redirect = add_query_arg(


'reset_count' => $reset_count,
'update' => 'resetpassword',


My end users find this an annoyance and so bring it to your attention. For destructive actions, this is less of an issue as the display changes.

Change History (2)

#1 @miguelaxcar
2 years ago

Hello @mjdewitt - thanks for reporting this potential improvement!

You said:
"redirect does not pick up the search and paged variables in effect at the time the link is clicked"

For example, an end user, navigating through the frontend, make a search and navigate through search results. Then this user clicks on a link (which link?), gets redirected to login page, logs in, and do not store the search and pages? Why this user should be redirected to somewhere else after the login?

May you please describe the step-by-step to reproduce the issue, maybe adding the URLs / further details, how it's behaving and how it may behave?

Thank you!

#2 @mjdewitt
2 years ago


Thanks for the follow up.

This issue is on the "Admin" side in the display from users.php. I thought the display of users as a list was called the "User's table."

if you search for a user and endup on page 50 of the users display and need to perform multiple functions on a user, the display will typically reset to the beginning of the list after each change.

I've included a picture of the links that we use to help manage a user's account. After taking action on these links, the table will be reset to the beginning and the search will be wiped out.

I hope this makes the issue clearer.


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