Make WordPress Core

Opened 23 months ago

Last modified 21 months ago

#57626 new enhancement

Searches to add a link in post-edit, to be sortable/filterable to better find tags

Reported by: joshduffetywong's profile joshduffetywong Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: trivial Version:
Component: Editor Keywords: reporter-feedback
Focuses: ui Cc:


Currently when adding a link to a post, I can search for a term and get back a mix of posts, pages and tags. This is the intended behaviour.

However, if the search term I am using is broad (e.g. 'Movies') and there are more than 20 posts on my site featuring the word Movies (this is often the case for a broad term), then WordPress will prioritise returning me 20 search results that are all posts, and will not return the Movies tag.

This is a general sorting issue, the search function prioritises posts over tags.

I'd like see a change where an exact tag match would always appears as the top result.

If not, then an option to filter the search, perhaps with checkboxes to show Posts/Pages/Tags etc.

Attachments (1)

image 1.png (41.9 KB) - added by joshduffetywong 23 months ago.
An example of a matching tag showing, but only if less than 20 search results were found.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

23 months ago

An example of a matching tag showing, but only if less than 20 search results were found.

#1 @ryokuhi
23 months ago

  • Focuses accessibility removed
  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Hello @joshduffetywong, and welcome to WordPress Trac!
We're always happy when new contributors join, and we hope this is the first contribution of a long series.

I had a look at your issue.

  • This is a usability issue, but I don't think it's an accessibility one (that is, an issue addressing the needs of people with disabilities). As such, I'm removing the accessibility focus. If you think the problem you're reporting is an accessibility issue, feel free to add the focus back, and we'll discuss it next week during the weekly bug scrub.
  • Based on the screenshot, the issue you're reporting has to do with the block editor: its discussion and development happen in the Gutenberg Repository on GitHub. As such, you should make a suggestion by opening a new issue there. After you've opened it, please add the link below.

If you need assistance, drop us a line here so that we can help you.

#2 @hellofromTonya
21 months ago

  • Version trunk deleted

Hello @joshduffetywong,

Welcome to WordPress Core's Trac :)

I'm doing some ticket triage for discoverability. Removing trunk as the Version, as this request will likely target older code.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.