Make WordPress Core

Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 23 months ago

#57950 new defect (bug)

Multisite filter count not adding up.

Reported by: richardkrone's profile richardkrone Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.1.1
Component: General Keywords: needs-screenshots needs-testing-info
Focuses: ui, administration, multisite Cc:


I have a multisite with over 200 folder based sub-sites.

When I am on the /wp-admin/network/sites.php page, the filters at the top of the page "All - Public - Archived - Deleted" do not add up as expected.

This is my current list: All (258) | Public (226) | Archived (11) | Deleted (9)

You will note that the sum of Public+Archived+Deleted comes to 246. The All sites number is 258. There is a difference of 12 sites. No idea where those 12 sites are in the filters area.

Thank you.

Change History (5)

#1 @richardkrone
2 years ago

  • Focuses ui administration multisite added

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-test by juhise. View the logs.

2 years ago

#3 @juhise
2 years ago

  • Keywords needs-screenshots needs-testing-info added

Hi @richardkrone

Thanks for the issue, I have tried to reporduce this issue, but couldn't reproduce this.

Can you please share more info and screenshots to debug further?

#4 @richardkrone
2 years ago

Hello @juhise

Thank you for looking into this.

This is a screen capture of the filter area. Notice that the numbers do not add up.


Please let me know of any particular data that would help with this.


#5 @kelvinballoo
23 months ago

Hi Richard,

So I was able to see something similar on my end:

You will see that there is 21 as ALL and 20 public.

And you also see from the screenshot that there is the first one as 'Main' and doesn't have any checkbox.

Now my deduction is that you might have similar ones, where you have a main site which is not public and then the other language sites ride on that one. The language sites are the ones which are public. Could you confirm if you have something similar?

I also researched that there are multiple filters:
(All, Public, Archived, Spam, Deleted, Mature).
I am not sure if some might hidden by certain access or logic (maybe an engineer can confirm that) but I pretty much think it's my first point.

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