Make WordPress Core

Opened 23 months ago

Closed 19 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#58067 closed task (blessed) (fixed)

About Page - 6.3 Release

Reported by: davidbaumwald's profile davidbaumwald Owned by:
Milestone: 6.3 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Help/About Keywords: i18n-change
Focuses: Cc:


This ticket will serve as a hub the discussion, planning, bug scrubs, design, and other related work surrounding the creation of the WordPress 6.3 release About page.

All teams involved in the release are invited to follow this ticket as part of their release-related duties and offer their input as well.

Change History (43)

#1 @costdev
23 months ago

The "Release Lead" title on the Credits screen came up during a discussion in the 6-2-release-leads Slack channel.

It appears that the "Release Lead" title has been applied inconsistently over the years. It would be good to get this standardized.

Some options are:

  • Matt and the Release Coordinators.
    • Why? The Release Coordinators watch over the entire release, not only a specific domain.
    • Precedent? This has been done for several releases in the past.
  • Matt, the Release Coordinators and the Core/Editor Tech Leads.
    • Why? While Tech Leads cover specific domains, it covers several subdomains in their respective area.
    • Precedent? This has been done for at least one release in the past (5.9)
  • Matt and everyone on the release squad.
    • Why? Each member of the release squad is an "[X] Lead" of their respective areas of managing the release project. This would also mean that all members of the release team are acknowledged for their role on the Credits screen.
    • Precedent? In 5.3 and 5.4, Francesca and David were listed as Release Leads when they were Release Coordinator and Triage Lead respectively.

If all members of the release squad would get the "Release Lead" title, it may be worth retiring this title to avoid adding a lot of extra height to the Credits screen. Instead, we could have three sections on the Credits screen: Release Squad, Noteworthy Contributors, Core Contributors to WordPress X.X

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by costdev. View the logs.

21 months ago

#3 @jpantani
21 months ago

#58390 was marked as a duplicate.

#4 @jpantani
21 months ago

Getting the communications set up for the work on the About Page
A folder for sharing 6.3 drafts/announcements:

Based on previous releases, hard string freeze is typically around RC1 (July 18th) so I'm thinking we should aim to have the About page 90+% buttoned up by the week of July 3rd. @ryelle, Let us know if this approach like last time works for coding with a good amount of lead time.

#5 follow-up: @ryelle
21 months ago

It looks like beta 3 will be July 11, 2023. It would be great to get the page in for soft-string freeze (the last beta) again. This way we have at least one release where we can see the page "in action" and change strings. So maybe aim for June 26?

Last release there was some back-and-forth with design, since I didn't want to change layout during RC. @richtabor not sure if you'll lead design here again, but if you want to iterate on the layout framework for future releases, ideally that would be done by an early beta (mid-June?). As a reminder, the layout framework & accents are detailed here.

#6 in reply to: ↑ 5 @jpantani
21 months ago

I know there was some spillover past RC1 last cycle, but this timeline might be very tight.
If the teams reuse the same layout framework —which I very much support— and, we are only implementing colors, images, and copy, how would that affect the timeline?
We're beginning work on the Beta 1 announcement now so in some ways we'll be ready but I'm not sure about some of the design elements and any late breaking factual information.

Replying to ryelle:

It looks like beta 3 will be July 11, 2023. It would be great to get the page in for soft-string freeze (the last beta) again. This way we have at least one release where we can see the page "in action" and change strings. So maybe aim for June 26?

Last release there was some back-and-forth with design, since I didn't want to change layout during RC. @richtabor not sure if you'll lead design here again, but if you want to iterate on the layout framework for future releases, ideally that would be done by an early beta (mid-June?). As a reminder, the layout framework & accents are detailed here.

#7 follow-up: @ryelle
21 months ago

Just to be clear, if we don't change layout, we can use the same schedule as last release, which was to have an initial pass committed in beta 3. So as long as design and copy are done (mostly final) by… let's say, July 5th, that would give me enough time to code it. The June 26th suggestion was to give design time to work, but if you're working together we can be more flexible.

The mid-june suggestion was in case design does want to tweak layout, which would be a framework change and would be independent of the copy.

#8 in reply to: ↑ 7 @jpantani
21 months ago

Makes sense. I'm going to recommend the only iteration is with copy, color, and imagery. I don't think the About Page format needs much reinvention.

#9 @richtabor
21 months ago

I'm going to recommend the only iteration is with copy, color, and imagery. I don't think the About Page format needs much reinvention.

The only bit I think would be interesting (and not much of a change) is to include the Highlight Grid into the top of the About Page. Instead of showing a big "WordPress 6.3" banner, we'd have the highlight grid.

Not quite like this, but the gist:

#10 follow-up: @ryelle
21 months ago

Is that an image, grid of images, or something else? If it's a single image, we're totally fine - we've often swapped that background image. I'd avoid putting the page title in an image, though, so that it can be easily translated for other pages.

#11 in reply to: ↑ 10 @jpantani
20 months ago

Generally, the highlight grid has been a single image.

Good call-out on leaving dedicated space for the page title for translation

Replying to ryelle:

Is that an image, grid of images, or something else?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by sabernhardt. View the logs.

20 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in PR #4849 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @ryelle.

20 months ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

Here's the first pass of the About page, adding in the strings from this google doc.

I've also grabbed some of the in-progress assets for the About header image & release badge (bottom of the page), those might still be updated depending on design. Once the header designs & freedoms/privacy images are finalized, I'd also like to add those in to the other About section pages, hopefully before RC (just to check that off, it's not necessary for string freeze).


  • I think I've laid out the main sections the way they were intended, but we can always change the column layout for anything.
  • I tried centering the long text blocks, as it feels more balanced with the image block, but it probably depends on the image.
  • We’re not tied to 1:1 images, so I tried a few sections with 2:1 instead (to help with the length of the page).

@richtabor you can take or leave these ideas, but I wanted to show some different options.

@annezazu @DanSoschin — I see some new comments from Anne, if any of the copy changes can you leave a comment here?

Trac ticket:

annezazu commented on PR #4849:

20 months ago

Thanks so much for kicking this off. I added in some alternatives to the first item since it's a bit lengthy to try to offer a condensed version. I think the current design works though for the most part but would like to see "direct actions" rephrased, along with Sharpen your designs with updated tools and Create and sync Patterns. We need to call out the reusable block change and that latter title feels awkward. Can you all handle the updates @DanSoschin @eidolonnight ?

#15 follow-up: @jeherve
19 months ago

I'm curious as to whether there will be a 6.3 intro video in this release? There was one in 6.1 for example; it may be useful to have one in this release as well, highlighting the new features right in your WordPress dashboard.

#16 @Brin
19 months ago

To further the idea of adding a video as Jeherve mentions directly above, I think it would be extremely useful for there to be a link to a short video (say three to ten minutes) below each paragraph. Something like "Watch a quick video on this specific feature!". Each video should introduce each new feature and show both what can be done with it and also how to use it. Texts and images are just not enough to educate users (they simply don't convey enough information to users who are hearing about these new features for the firsr time).

@ryelle commented on PR #4849:

19 months ago

Latest commits update the page to the content in this doc, and update the page layout and some assets to match figma.


@peterwilsoncc commented on PR #4849:

19 months ago

@ryelle Asking the silly question just in case: are the blue placeholders on the new contribute page to be replaced with graphics? If not, I think they'll need to be darker as they look a little WP 6.2.

@ryelle commented on PR #4849:

19 months ago

are the blue placeholders on the new contribute page to be replaced with graphics

They are supposed to be replaced, yes — I reopened that ticket so we can get those new graphics made.

#20 in reply to: ↑ 15 @ryelle
19 months ago

Replying to jeherve:

I'm curious as to whether there will be a 6.3 intro video in this release? There was one in 6.1 for example; it may be useful to have one in this release as well, highlighting the new features right in your WordPress dashboard.

There won't be a release video linked from the About page, but there should be some videos posted along with the announcements (the About page link can be hard due to timing of the release).

Replying to Brin:

I think it would be extremely useful for there to be a link to a short video (say three to ten minutes) below each paragraph. Something like "Watch a quick video on this specific feature!"

There will be some videos published around the new features, but not linked from this page. Maybe an idea for the next release, if it can be coordinated between copywriters and videomakers :)

@dansoschin commented on PR #4849:

19 months ago

Unless there's a material error (typographical or factual), the About Page is closed for feedback. We've had more than enough sets of eyes on it, so it's ready to ship. Acknowledging that how features are presented and communicated is often a personal preference of style, the doc contributors have made an effort to keep this document brief and consistent with the WordPress voice and styles.

#22 @ryelle
19 months ago

In 56263:

Help/About: Update the About page for 6.3.

This is the start of the WordPress 6.3 about page, introducing new content and a first pass of the new style.

Props jpantani, dansoschin, annezazu, priethor, marybaum, eidolonnight, clarkeemily, flixos90, cbringmann, meher, richtabor, markoserb, joen, saxonafletcher, jameskoster, davidbaumwald, peterwilsoncc, ryelle.
See #58067.

@ryelle commented on PR #4849:

19 months ago

Committed in r56263

#24 @ryelle
19 months ago

I just noticed the version query string on the freedoms & privacy images still use 6.1, that will need to be updated since those images changed.

This ticket was mentioned in PR #4868 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @NekoJonez.

19 months ago

ctrl should be Ctrl.

Edit by @audrasjb -

#26 @audrasjb
19 months ago

Just assigned the above PR by @nekojonez.

This ticket was mentioned in PR #4884 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @ryelle.

19 months ago

This PR is a container for updates to the About page for RC2.

  • Fixes the version string on the image URLs
  • Fixes the image path for the release badge SVG and adds the version string
  • Removes the overlay from the avatars, these will be grayscale for this release
  • Plus the "Ctrl" fix from @nekojonez #4868

There will be more image assets to add on Monday, so this PR can stay until those are ready.

Trac ticket:

#29 @SergeyBiryukov
19 months ago

In 56285:

Coding Standards: Remove trailing tabs in wp-admin/about.php.

This resolves a WPCS warning:

Found precision alignment of 2 spaces.

Follow-up to [56263].

Props jrf.
See #58831, #58067.

#30 @ryelle
19 months ago

In 56292:

Help/About: Updates to About page.

Update the headers, icons, and avatar style to match the designs. Fix the version strings on embedded images. Remove the tagline on main About page. Update "ctrl" to the correct capitalization, "Ctrl".

Follow-up to [56263].
Props richtabor, markoserb, audrasjb, nekojonez.
See #58067.

#31 @ryelle
19 months ago

  • Keywords dev-feedback commit i18n-change added

Marking [56292] for backport to the 6.3 branch.

Added i18n-change for the ctrl -> Ctrl change, just to be safe.

#32 @ryelle
19 months ago

I forgot to mention that this ticket should stay open after the backport, we're still waiting on the final feature screenshots, which will be uploaded to the CDN and then committed to replace the grey boxes.

#33 @audrasjb
19 months ago

In 56295:

Help/About: Updates to About page.

Update the headers, icons, and avatar style to match the designs. Fix the version strings on embedded images. Remove the tagline on main About page. Update "ctrl"
to the correct capitalization, "Ctrl".

Follow-up to [56263].

Props richtabor, markoserb, audrasjb, nekojonez.
Reviewed by peterwilsoncc, audrasjb.
Merges [56292] to the 6.3 branch.
See #58067.

#34 @sabernhardt
19 months ago

  • Keywords commit removed

The updated Ctrl+k string is already available for translation, so it's probably too late to change that for formatting now. However, I think it could have had kbd tags, as the Permalink Settings page has.

Version 0, edited 19 months ago by sabernhardt (next)

This ticket was mentioned in PR #4945 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @ryelle.

19 months ago

The images are final and have been added to the CDN. I've added them in this PR, and updated the page header slightly to match the image style (rounded corners).

Trac ticket:

@ryelle commented on PR #4945:

19 months ago

Not a blocker but I am wondering if it is worth putting width and height attributes on the image tags so browsers know the aspect ratio prior to loading the image?

Good idea, I've added it in

#37 @ryelle
19 months ago

In 56339:

Help/About: Add images to About page, match header style to images.

Props richtabor, markoserb, audrasjb, peterwilsoncc, mukesh27.
See #58067.

@ryelle commented on PR #4945:

19 months ago

Committed in r56339

#39 @ryelle
19 months ago

  • Keywords commit added

Marking [56339] for backport to the 6.3 branch.

#40 @davidbaumwald
19 months ago

  • Keywords dev-reviewed added; dev-feedback removed

Looks good to backport to the 6.3 branch. Thanks @ryelle!

#41 @ryelle
19 months ago

In 56340:

Help/About: Add images to About page, match header style to images.

Props richtabor, markoserb, audrasjb, peterwilsoncc, mukesh27.
Reviewed by davidbaumwald.
Merges [56339] to the 6.3 branch.
See #58067.

#42 @ryelle
19 months ago

  • Keywords has-patch commit dev-reviewed removed
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Thanks for the review!

I think with that we should be finished with the About page, so I'm going to close the ticket. We can always reopen if an issue comes up.

@NekoJonez commented on PR #4868:

18 months ago

I'm going to close this, since it was merged in another PR.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.