Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #58443, comment 13

10/16/2023 12:11:45 PM (16 months ago)


  • Ticket #58443, comment 13

    v1 v2  
    1 ~~Using~~ //Switching a specific value to// `inherit` was not the best way to fix custom `line-height`.
    2 //Correction: When the theme—or block library styles—specify the desired value on a **parent** element, then using `inherit` could be highly appropriate.//
     1~~Using~~ **Switching a specific value to** `inherit` was not the best way to fix custom `line-height`.
     2//Correction//: When the theme—or block library styles—specify the desired value on a **parent** element, then using `inherit` could be highly appropriate.
    44On the front end, [ all button-like elements] have had a `line-height` of 1.2 since [ initial commit], and it needs to stay that value when users do not select their own. This ticket did not change the front-end `style.css` and the RTL was reverted, so the current state is still only wrong with a custom `line-height`.
    66The editor's value of 1.8 did not match the front, but removing the entire line can be better than changing to `inherit`.
    8 ~~Any~~ //Some// of the customizable properties probably could be moved to the `wp-block-button` or `wp-block-buttons` element instead of the link.
    9 //Correction: The em-based `font-size` is one property that probably should **not** be moved to another element because that would change the size for anyone who has set a value in custom CSS or who is satisfied with the relative difference in size using the block setting.//
     8~~Any~~ **Some** of the customizable properties probably could be moved to the `wp-block-button` or `wp-block-buttons` element instead of the link.
     9//Correction//: The em-based `font-size` is one property that probably should **not** be moved to another element because that would change the size for anyone who has set a value in custom CSS or who is satisfied with the relative difference in size using the block setting.
    1111**If** tests are still giving any errors, that might be related to the missing space after the colon in `style-editor.scss`.