Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #58663

06/28/2023 08:08:34 PM (20 months ago)


  • Ticket #58663 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 Currently the results of the emoji-loader's tests for whether or not emoji are supported get cached in the browser's `sessionStorage` for 1 week. For most users, this expiration will never be reached since the browser tab would be closed and the `sessionStorage` cleared anyway. For the minority of users who keep a single tab open for weeks at a time, including those who restore tabs after installing an OS update, there can be scenarios where (1) the OS was updated to support emoji but the cache causes Twemoji to still be loaded, or (2) the emoji support was not changed and yet the browser re-checks support after a week unnecessarily.
     1Currently the results of the emoji-loader's tests for whether or not emoji are supported get cached in the browser's `sessionStorage` for 1 week. For most users, this expiration will never be reached since the browser tab would be closed and the `sessionStorage` cleared anyway. For the minority of users who keep a single tab open for weeks at a time, including those who restore tabs after installing an OS update, there can be scenarios where (1) the OS or Twemoji was updated to support emoji but the cache causes Twemoji to still be loaded, or (2) the emoji support was not changed and yet the browser re-checks support after a week unnecessarily.
    33See [ GitHub pull request discussion] for more context and possible solutions.