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Opened 20 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#58707 new defect (bug)

Page looks fine, but after clicking to edit page, some text disappears, even after deactivating all plug-ins

Reported by: avnerstein's profile avnerstein Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.2.2
Component: General Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


My theme is Twenty Twenty-One.
Text after some footnotes seems to disappear in edit mode, but I have the same issue even after deactivating the footnote plug-in, as well as all other plug-ins.

This started happening after I upgraded to the latest version of WordPress. Before I upgraded, my site had quit working altogether. After I upgraded WordPress, my site came back, but the editing of pages is messing up, as described above.

Attachments (3)

screencapture-avnerstein-byethost12-create-your-website-with-blocks-parallels-between-jesus-sayings-and-the-hebrew-scriptures-2023-07-03-22_01_33.pdf (1.6 MB) - added by avnerstein 20 months ago.
This is the page before clicking Edit
Edit Page “Parallels between Jesus’ sayings and the Hebrew Scriptures” ‹ Food For The Soul — WordPress.mhtml (1.3 MB) - added by avnerstein 20 months ago.
This is what the page looks like after clicking Edit. You can see where text is missing from the page I was trying to edit.
screencapture-avnerstein-byethost12-wp-admin-post-php-2023-08-25-10_43_38.pdf (126.3 KB) - added by avnerstein 18 months ago.
This is how the bottom of the page looks after the update to WordPress 6.3.

Change History (11)

20 months ago

This is what the page looks like after clicking Edit. You can see where text is missing from the page I was trying to edit.

#1 @avnerstein
20 months ago

Issue persists when visual editor is disabled.

#2 @avnerstein
19 months ago

I was able to edit a post without issues, so perhaps the issue only affects pages?

#3 @avnerstein
18 months ago

I tried updating to WordPress 6.3 and my website and admin page wouldn't load; it showed a fatal error. I opened a support ticket with my web host, and they updated it for me, to 6.3. My site and admin page is back up, but now when I click to edit a page, everything after the first line item is missing (see third attachment). I tried again deactivating all plugins and using the code editor, and the results are the same as the visual editor.

Also, I see the following message on my admin screen:
An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - please attempt the update again now.

As well as:
You have the latest version of WordPress.

This seems to be another bug. Since the latest version is installed, the message regarding the automated update failure should no longer appear. There should at least be an option to dismiss the message.

Last edited 18 months ago by avnerstein (previous) (diff)

18 months ago

This is how the bottom of the page looks after the update to WordPress 6.3.

#4 @Ipstenu
18 months ago

Text after some footnotes seems to disappear in edit mode, but I have the same issue even after deactivating the footnote plug-in, as well as all other plug-ins.

Deactivating the plugin doesn't delete the content from your posts, so if the issue is the content as generated by the footnotes code it could still be impacted.

Which plugin was this? It may be just that plugin really goobered things :(

#5 @avnerstein
18 months ago

Thank you for responding!

The footnotes plugin is Easy Footnotes. I have some other plugins as well, but I deactivating all of them and still got the truncation issue when editing.

The page looks fine when it's not in edit mode.

Version 1, edited 18 months ago by avnerstein (previous) (next) (diff)

#6 @Ipstenu
18 months ago

I did a quick test and it works fine for me. It's possible it's the actual content of whatever you put in those footnotes. Do you have an example of one that 'causes' the break?

#7 @avnerstein
18 months ago

Found someone with the same issue:

Closed to replies without resolution.

#8 @avnerstein
18 months ago

That post prompted me to try recreating the page. I copied and pasted the list and then replaced the the superscripts with the Easy Footnote short codes and footnote text and this seems to be a work-around. Editing the page doesn't truncate the list.

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