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Opened 19 months ago

Last modified 19 months ago

#58795 new defect (bug)

Multisite Network Admin Sites - Search doesn't work well

Reported by: paulpleasant's profile paulpleasant Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Networks and Sites Keywords:
Focuses: multisite Cc:


The built-in Search functionality in the Multisite Network Admin area has not been working well. Whenever I update a Site Name on a Subsite to be the unique Subdomain, the Search box does not seem to index or cache the new Site Name (even after I clear the cache on the network). So the only way to find sites on my multisite network is to browse through hundreds of site domains until I find the one I am looking for. If I know the Site ID, I can input it into the Search box and the site comes right up. For some reason, text from the subdomain in the Site Name field do not seem to get searched through.

Change History (2)

#1 @eadumbire
19 months ago

I have encountered this also. "Search Sites" option is terrible. Does not match even when the searched term is an exact match for a subsite's URL or site name.

I've largely given up on "Search Sites" and instead search the database wp blogs table for the domain and then put the blog_id directly in the browser address site id param.

@paulpleasant did you have plans to put forward a fix/solution? If not, I'd be willing on working on this.😉

Last edited 19 months ago by eadumbire (previous) (diff)

#2 @paulpleasant
19 months ago

Hi @eadumbire - no, I do not have a plan or fix. I've also gone into phpMyAdmin to find subsites to get their Site ID. If I search for the Site ID on the Network Sites page, then the site comes up (but you have to know the Site ID first). If you have a solution, you're welcome to work on it. Thank you!

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