Make WordPress Core

#58796 closed defect (bug) (reported-upstream)

Update some URLs for external libraries on the About page

Reported by: sumitsingh's profile sumitsingh Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.3
Component: Help/About Keywords: has-screenshots good-first-bug
Focuses: administration Cc:


I have tested 6.3 Beta-4 and sometimes get fatal errors. it's fundamental WP setup and automatically working fine now. another issue 404 link on imgAreaSelect under the External Libraries section in the credits page link.

here are my system/Project details.

### wp-core ###

version: 6.3-beta4-56222
site_language: en_US
user_language: en_US
timezone: +00:00
permalink: /%postname%/
https_status: false
multisite: false
user_registration: 0
blog_public: 0
default_comment_status: open
environment_type: production
user_count: 2
dotorg_communication: true

### wp-paths-sizes ###

wordpress_path: /var/www/html/wpextended-pro
wordpress_size: 52.05 MB (54576717 bytes)
uploads_path: /var/www/html/wpextended-pro/wp-content/uploads
uploads_size: 7.21 MB (7560807 bytes)
themes_path: /var/www/html/wpextended-pro/wp-content/themes
themes_size: 32.54 MB (34118431 bytes)
plugins_path: /var/www/html/wpextended-pro/wp-content/plugins
plugins_size: 230.85 MB (242059194 bytes)
database_size: 5.34 MB (5603328 bytes)
total_size: 327.99 MB (343918477 bytes)

### wp-active-theme ###

name: Twenty Twenty (twentytwenty)
version: 2.2
author: the WordPress team
parent_theme: none
theme_features: core-block-patterns, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, woocommerce, widgets-block-editor, post-thumbnails, automatic-feed-links, custom-background, custom-logo, title-tag, html5, align-wide, responsive-embeds, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, editor-color-palette, editor-font-sizes, editor-styles, widgets, menus, editor-style
theme_path: /var/www/html/wpextended-pro/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty
auto_update: Disabled

### wp-themes-inactive (12) ###

Twenty Eleven: version: 4.3, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Fifteen: version: 3.4, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Fourteen: version: 3.6, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Nineteen: version: 2.5, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Seventeen: version: 3.2, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Sixteen: version: 2.9, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Ten: version: 3.8, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Thirteen: version: 3.8, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twelve: version: 3.9, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twenty-One: version: 1.8, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twenty-Three: version: 1.1, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twenty-Two: version: 1.4, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled

### wp-plugins-active (5) ###

Admin Login Notification: version: 1.0, author: Sumit Singh, Auto-updates disabled
Custom Post Type UI: version: 1.13.6, author: WebDevStudios (latest version: 1.13.7), Auto-updates disabled
WooCommerce: version: 7.8.2, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled
WordPress Beta Tester: version: 3.5.1, author: WordPress Upgrade/Install Team (latest version: 3.5.2), Auto-updates disabled
WP Extended Pro: version: 2.2.1, author: WP Extended, Auto-updates disabled

### wp-plugins-inactive (35) ###

ACF Photo Gallery Field: version: 1.9, author: Navneil Naicker, Auto-updates disabled
Admin Columns: version: 4.6.1, author:, Auto-updates disabled
Advanced Custom Fields: version: 6.1.6, author: WP Engine (latest version: 6.1.7), Auto-updates disabled
Akismet Anti-Spam: Spam Protection: version: 5.2, author: Automattic - Anti Spam Team, Auto-updates disabled
Breakdance: version: 1.1, author: Breakdance, Auto-updates disabled
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order: version: 1.7.7, author: Nsp-Code, Auto-updates disabled
Change wp-admin login: version: 1.1.3, author: wpexpertsio, Auto-updates disabled
Classic Editor: version: 1.6.2, author: WordPress Contributors (latest version: 1.6.3), Auto-updates disabled
Classic Widgets: version: 0.3, author: WordPress Contributors, Auto-updates disabled
Classic Widgets and Editor: version: 0.1, author: WP Lovers, Auto-updates disabled
Contact Form 7: version: 5.7.7, author: Takayuki Miyoshi, Auto-updates disabled
Core Rollback: version: 1.3.4, author: Andy Fragen (latest version: 1.3.5), Auto-updates disabled
Custom fields Postal code in WP Registration: version: 0.1, author: Sumit Singh, Auto-updates disabled
Duplicate Page: version: 4.5.2, author: mndpsingh287, Auto-updates disabled
Elementor: version: 3.14.1, author:, Auto-updates disabled
Elite Notification: version: 1.5, author: Appsbd, Auto-updates disabled
Hello Dolly: version: 1.7.2, author: Matt Mullenweg, Auto-updates disabled
Import Export WordPress Users and WooCommerce Customers: version: 2.4.1, author: WebToffee, Auto-updates disabled
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded: version: 2.25.20, author: Limit Login Attempts Reloaded, Auto-updates disabled
Maintenance: version: 4.07, author: WebFactory Ltd, Auto-updates disabled
Media Replace: version: 1.0.0, author: Sumit Singh, Auto-updates disabled
NotificationX: version: 2.7.2, author: WPDeveloper (latest version: 2.7.3), Auto-updates disabled
Oxygen: version: 3.8.1, author: Soflyy, Auto-updates disabled
PixelYourSite: version:, author: PixelYourSite, Auto-updates disabled
Post Types Order: version: 2.0.9, author: Nsp Code, Auto-updates disabled
Query Monitor: version: 3.12.3, author: John Blackbourn (latest version: 3.13.0), Auto-updates disabled
Sell Media: version:, author: Graph Paper Press, Auto-updates disabled
User Role Editor: version: 4.63.3, author: Vladimir Garagulya, Auto-updates disabled
User Switching: version: 1.7.0, author: John Blackbourn & contributors, Auto-updates disabled
Visual Composer: version: 45.3.0, author:, Auto-updates disabled
WPCode Lite: version: 2.0.13, author: WPCode, Auto-updates disabled
WP Feedback: version: 1.1.8, author: WP Feedback, Auto-updates disabled
WP Rollback: version: 1.7.3, author:, Auto-updates disabled
WPS Hide Login: version: 1.9.8, author: WPServeur, NicolasKulka, wpformation, Auto-updates disabled
WPS Limit Login: version: 1.5.5, author: WPServeur, NicolasKulka, wpformation (latest version: 1.5.6), Auto-updates disabled

### wp-media ###

image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD
imagick_module_version: Not available
imagemagick_version: Not available
imagick_version: Not available
file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
post_max_size: 8M
upload_max_filesize: 2M
max_effective_size: 2 MB
max_file_uploads: 20
gd_version: 2.2.5
gd_formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, XPM
ghostscript_version: 9.50

### wp-server ###

server_architecture: Linux 5.15.0-76-generic x86_64
httpd_software: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
php_version: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.19 64bit
php_sapi: apache2handler
max_input_variables: 1000
time_limit: 30
memory_limit: 128M
admin_memory_limit: 256M
max_input_time: 60
upload_max_filesize: 2M
php_post_max_size: 8M
curl_version: 7.68.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1f
suhosin: false
imagick_availability: false
pretty_permalinks: true
htaccess_extra_rules: true
current: 2023-07-13T05:09:38+00:00
utc-time: Thursday, 13-Jul-23 05:09:38 UTC
server-time: 2023-07-13T05:09:34+00:00

### wp-database ###

extension: mysqli
server_version: 8.0.33-0ubuntu0.20.04.2
client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.19
max_allowed_packet: 67108864
max_connections: 151

### wp-constants ###

WP_HOME: undefined
WP_SITEURL: undefined
WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/html/wpextended-pro/wp-content
WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/html/wpextended-pro/wp-content/plugins
WP_DEBUG: true
WP_CACHE: false
COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
DB_COLLATE: undefined

### wp-filesystem ###

wordpress: writable
wp-content: writable
uploads: writable
plugins: writable
themes: writable

thank you

Attachments (6)

Credits-‹-WP-Lovers-—-WordPress.png (355.9 KB) - added by sumitsingh 15 months ago.
Broken link here
192-168-1-104-wpextended-pro-wp-admin-about-php.png (64.8 KB) - added by sumitsingh 15 months ago.
Fatal error on about.php page
WordPress-Updates-‹-WP-Lovers-—-WordPress.png (281.1 KB) - added by sumitsingh 15 months ago.
Can we fix this warning?
Credits-‹-WP-Lovers-—-WordPress (1).png (330.5 KB) - added by sumitsingh 15 months ago.
Credits-‹-WP-Lovers-—-WordPress (2).png (331.3 KB) - added by sumitsingh 15 months ago.
Get-Involved-‹-WP-Lovers-—-WordPress.png (211.1 KB) - added by sumitsingh 15 months ago.
added on last section under contribute.php

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (22)

15 months ago

Fatal error on about.php page

15 months ago

Can we fix this warning?

15 months ago

added on last section under contribute.php

#1 @costdev
15 months ago

  • Focuses accessibility performance coding-standards removed
  • Keywords reporter-feedback added
  1. Broken links on the "Credits" screen must be solved via the Credits API (
  2. I can't reproduce the Fatal Error on the About page. Based on your screenshot, this occurred in formatting.php when _deep_replace() is called inside esc_url().

If this is isolated only to the About page for you, esc_url() is only called on these strings:

esc_url( __( '' ) )
esc_url( self_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) )
esc_url( self_admin_url() )
  1. Are wp-admin and wp-admin/includes/ writable? (Adding reporter-feedback)
  2. See 1.
  3. See 1.
  4. @oglekler Is work planned for or should this CTA point to instead?

Finally, thanks to @sumitsingh for testing Beta 4! We need to keep track of each type of issue, so I would suggest that in future you create separate tickets for separate issues.

For example:

  1. New ticket: Broken library links on the Credits screen.
  2. New ticket: Fatal Error when visiting the About page.
  3. Search existing tickets for chmod() warnings when upgrading WordPress (#56713) and add your voice to the ticket.
  4. Search Trac for the ticket that introduced the Contribute tab (#23348) and report the issue.

Also please note that coding-standards is strictly for WPCS violations, performance is for speed regressions/enhancements, and accessibility is for a11y bugs/enhancements.

Last edited 15 months ago by costdev (previous) (diff)

#2 @oglekler
15 months ago

@costdev This page will hold Orientation tool, it will be finished before the release. Orientation tool exists already and was tried by several WordCamps, so the only question is if we will be able to make some improvements or not.

Last edited 15 months ago by oglekler (previous) (diff)

#3 @costdev
15 months ago

Ah great, thanks for that information @oglekler!

#4 @sumitsingh
15 months ago

Noted above suggestion @costdev

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by sumitsingh. View the logs.

14 months ago

#6 @SergeyBiryukov
14 months ago

  • Component changed from General to Help/About
  • Summary changed from Some minnor issue on version: 6.3-beta4-56222 to Update some URLs for external libraries on the About page

Thanks for the ticket, moving to 6.4 to address any URLs that should be updated here.

#7 @SergeyBiryukov
14 months ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 6.4

#8 @desrosj
14 months ago

  • Component changed from Help/About to General
  • Keywords reporter-feedback removed
  • Milestone 6.4 deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Summary changed from Update some URLs for external libraries on the About page to Bad links for external libraries

There is a lot being reported here, and most of it is unrelated.

Since there have been no other similar reports during the beta/RC period and the error messages seem to indicate an incomplete update, I'm going to close this out as a worksforme.

There is one valid issue that still needs to be fixed, though: the 404 errors for the external libraries.

@sumitsingh can you please open a new ticket specifically for that issue? In the future, please try to open up a separate ticket for each individual issue.

#9 @desrosj
14 months ago

  • Component changed from General to Help/About
  • Milestone set to 6.4
  • Resolution worksforme deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened
  • Summary changed from Bad links for external libraries to Update some URLs for external libraries on the About page

#10 @oglekler
14 months ago

  • Keywords needs-patch good-first-bug added

I am marking this as good-first-bug, because the scope is quite clear: recheck the links, find the correct once and make a patch. Correct if I am missing something.

#11 follow-up: @Michi91
13 months ago

I would like to correct the links, but i got a question @oglekler
--> Should i only correct the latest version or all version?

#12 in reply to: ↑ 11 @desrosj
13 months ago

  • Keywords close added

Replying to Michi91:

I would like to correct the links, but i got a question @oglekler
--> Should i only correct the latest version or all version?

Great question, @Michi91!

So I went and looked back for any precedent. It seems that there is one instance from #4764 where the URL was updated for all versions containing the incorrect external library URL (change was made in [meta 9194]).

The only other examples that I found (only going back to 4.0 time) were:

Seems imageAreaSelect was introduced in #13231 during 3.0, so it will be present in all versions supported in the Credits API. But personally, I think we either

  • Update 6.3 only
  • Update 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 (these 4 versions account for 75% of all WordPress sites)

Also thinking this specific change should get copied over to a ticket following the examples above, and because that's where the change will ultimately be made. But making a patch is still very much welcome!

#13 @Michi91
13 months ago

  • Keywords needs-patch removed
  • Resolution set to reported-upstream
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

Created a ticket
Follow-up: #meta7257

#14 @sumitsingh
13 months ago

  • Resolution reported-upstream deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Hey @Michi91 ,

Can i know why closed this ticket and created new one by you??

Let me know any reason to close old one and opened new ticket related this issue??

#15 @Michi91
13 months ago

Hey @sumitsingh,
sure you can know the reason :-)

The Credits are part of the Credits API, which is part of meta and not core.

I closed it at and opened a new one at, which is a different ticket system. Meta is the place where the change will be made. See also @desrosj comments.

In the follow-up ticket I mentions you and your ticket and provided a patch, so hopefully the broken links will be fixed with the next version release or maybe even earlier.

#16 @SergeyBiryukov
13 months ago

  • Keywords close removed
  • Milestone 6.4 deleted
  • Resolution set to reported-upstream
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

Thanks for the ticket, this should now be resolved in [meta12878].

Reclosing as reported-upstream, since the change was made in the Meta repository.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.