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Opened 19 months ago

#58873 new feature request

Add function to pass variables to scripts

Reported by: apedog's profile apedog Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.7
Component: Script Loader Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


Since WordPress 5.7 using wp_localize_scripts to pass variables to registered scripts throws a _doing_it_wrong notice.

The suggested "correct" way of passing variables to scripts, using wp_add_inline_script, feels like a step backwards.

  • Instead of just passing a variable name and value through a PHP function, that abstracts all of this away, we now have to write fully qualified JavaScript code in PHP strings.
  • We have to actually parse/decode the values being passed on a case-by-case basis. wp_localize_script did this reliably.
  • Using wp_add_inline_script is more verbose and prone to errors. Static analysis tools will not work on PHP strings.
  • It makes for uglier code that is less human-readable.

On a personal note,
Converting to wp_add_inline_script feels a lot more like I'm "doing it wrong" than using wp_localize_script. It's simple, short and it works. (I do feel chagrined to see Query Monitor show up brown on every page load. But not enough to go and make my code uglier.)
I also doubt other "in the wild" developers will forego the use of wp_localize_script because of the _doing_it_wrong notice. The wp_add_inline_script alternative is simply not as robust.

Add a function wp_pass_variables_to_script (or probably a shorter name) to re-introduce the robust functionality provided by wp_localize_script.

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