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Opened 18 months ago

#59079 new enhancement

Draft Pages should not be shown in menus to those who can't see them (or possibly anyone)

Reported by: madtownlems's profile MadtownLems Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Menus Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


Especially when the option to "automatically add new pages" to a menu is enabled, it's very easy to add Draft pages to a menu accidentally by publishing them and then reverting them to Draft status.

When this happens, the menu now contains a menu item that links to something like that just 404's for most visitors (and might even accidentally expose a page title they didn't want shown yet).

I've spoken with more than a few users who made this mistake and had no idea that turning a Published Page back into Draft status would leave the menu item intact.

I believe that menu items that represent items in Draft status should not be displayed in the menu on the front-end.

I think someone could make the case they should appear to authenticated users who can edit the Page, but I don't believe they should be shown to anyone. I think them being present makes it very easy to confuse site owners on what the site looks like to a normal visitor, both in terms of the menu but also the page itself, as viewing a page in draft status has no clear indicator that they're viewing a page in draft status.

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