Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 14 of Ticket #59086

08/14/2023 04:51:14 PM (18 months ago)

Note: the text color is also wrong with other dark background colors (either preset or custom).


  • Ticket #59086

    • Property Focuses css added
    • Property Summary changed from Twenty Twenty Theme black background hides text editing after 6.3 update to Twenty Twenty: black background hides text editing after 6.3 update
    • Property Priority changed from normal to high
    • Property Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 6.3.1
    • Property Keywords has-patch needs-testing added
    • Property Severity changed from normal to major
  • Ticket #59086 – Description

    initial v14  
    1 I'm using the "twenty twenty" theme and after the update using a site with black background set to hex #000000 makes it difficult to edit a post.  Since the text is not visible.  Not sure if a problem with my self hosted installation or an issue after the new release, but observed this issue after applying 6.3 update.
     1I'm using the Twenty Twenty theme and after the update using a site with black background set to hex `#000000` makes it difficult to edit a post.  Since the text is not visible.  Not sure if a problem with my self hosted installation or an issue after the new release, but observed this issue after applying 6.3 update.