Make WordPress Core

Opened 15 months ago

Last modified 12 months ago

#59570 new defect (bug)

Non Admin Users showing when deleting admin user.

Reported by: digamberpradhan's profile digamberpradhan Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.3.2
Component: Users Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


When deleting a user with role of administrator. The option to "attribute all content to" dropdown will list all users (even subscribers)

Steps to repeat:
Create 2 users:

  • Create a new user with the role subscriber
  • Create a new user with the role administrator
  • Add a post with the new adminstrative user,
  • then delete the new adminstrative user

The option to assign / "attribute all content" to will show all available users.

Change History (4)

#1 @Presskopp
15 months ago

I don't know why this would be considered as a bug. Why should it only be possible to transfer to another admin? However this function is already discussed in #58103

#2 follow-up: @digamberpradhan
15 months ago

@Presskopp subscribers wouldn't / shouldn't be able to add posts or be author of posts ?
Or am i missing something here ?

Additionally there isn't a limit of users being queried so lets say a site has a 120,000 users then all of the users are being listed.

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 @SergeyBiryukov
15 months ago

Hi there, thanks for the ticket!

Replying to digamberpradhan:

subscribers wouldn't / shouldn't be able to add posts or be author of posts ?
Or am i missing something here ?

Usually not, but there might be use cases for attributing posts to users who are not an admin, including subscribers.

Additionally there isn't a limit of users being queried so lets say a site has a 120,000 users then all of the users are being listed.

This part is being tracked in #19867.

#4 @ianatkins
12 months ago

Agree with the original poster, with large number of users this view becomes unusable.

An additional prior field for user role or capability could filter the list of users - making the list more manageable but also usable for situations where you may (oddly) want to attribute content to a user without publishing rights.

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