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Opened 16 months ago

#59799 new defect (bug)

Post editor Galley size preview images select size default

Reported by: guillermo77's profile Guillermo77 Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.3.3
Component: Gallery Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


Dears I don't no if this is one bug, but this is what hapend to me:

I create one new post
I add one gallery
I add the images and close
Save the post

In the resolution say miniature, maybe is thumbnail I am in spanish
But in reality use the full size

But in the gallery, If I press in resolution and change to medium or miniature
The gallery now respect the resolution miniature or medium, etc

You can change the default resolution to miniature and left the input select in miniature.

Or you change the select input to bigger, because that is the resolution if you no touch nothing in gallery

One of the two are wrong, you no can have the select in miniature and show the image bigger.

I have jetpack active without cdn
Generatepress theme
And all my galleries are in bigger size preview!

I dont no if make the request here, but I like have one button in media setting for choice the default preview of the galleries, maybe you can add the id post where you no want to change the size preview

But will be one good idea for no make one by one
Also you can choice mobile and PC different size preview gallery

That is my report and idea

If have one function for change the preview to medium, great

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