Make WordPress Core

Opened 10 months ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#60737 new enhancement

invalid_email or user_email ?

Reported by: juliobox's profile juliobox Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: minor Version: 6.5
Component: Login and Registration Keywords: needs-patch 2nd-opinion
Focuses: Cc:


Hey there,

I'm talking about login error keys.
Here are the 3 things we can find in the WP Core:

$errors->add( 'invalid_email', __( '<strong>Error:</strong> There is no account with that username or email address.' ) );
$errors->add( 'invalid_email', __( '<strong>Error:</strong> The email address is not correct.' ) );
$errors->add( 'user_email', __( '<strong>Error:</strong> The email address is not correct.' ), array('form-field' => 'email', ) );

The 1st is an error message when you try to login using an email address that is not used as a user in this site, the key is "invalid_email"
The 2nd is an error message when you try to register a new user with an email address that is not correctly formatted, the key is "invalid_email"
The 3rd is an error message when you try to update your personal profile with an email address that is not correctly formatted, the key is "user_email"

So we have 2 keys and 2 messages (like "A1 A2 B2", should be "A1 B2 B2") but the message 2 is sharing both, we should clearly decide is "invalid_email" is when the email does not exists in our site OR when the email is not correctly formatted.

I suggest that the 2nd message should share the "user_email" and let the "invalid_*" for the login stuff, like we already have "invalidcombo" or "invalid_username" that shares the same kind of issue.

thanks for your reading time

Change History (2)

#1 @rajinsharwar
9 months ago

Hi @juliobox, thanks for your suggestion! Are there any specific use cases for this change in your mind, like why this change should be made and solves what problem?

#2 @juliobox
9 months ago

First, just by consistency.
Then, as a security plugin, I need to check what kind of user/email error I'm handling.
Is is a incorrect_email one ? a user-email one ?
Because of the lack of consistency, I can't decide, I have to check the translated labels. Ho wait, there is also a lack of consistency
See what I mean?

This is why I think this is a first step into "email errors consistency", I bet there are other ones here and there.

We have to decide what is an "invalid email", what is a "user email", what is a "empty_email", what is a "email_exist" with the correct labels.

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